Olmert & Abbas declare cease-fire

Israel accepted a Palestinian cease-fire to go in effect Sunday morning, and will stop military operations in Gaza in return for an end to all Palestinian violence, including rocket fire, tunneling, and suicide bombers, the Prime Minister’s Office announced Saturday night. The dramatic announcement followed a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

5 Responses

  1. Is there any end to the stupidly of the Israeli government?! Do they not understand what every 5 year old does, that every time there is ceasefire the enemy uses their free to rearm and prepare for the next round? One minute didn’t go by after the ceasefire and retreat from Lebanon before Hezbollah began to replenish their missile and anti-tank weapons. May Hashem protect us from our enemies and from a stupid and careless government who have no clue and apparently no real desire to protect its citizens.

  2. What happened to Israel’s policy of not negotiating with terrorists? The way I see it, once they’re negotiating with them, can’t they work out a deal for Shalit?

  3. This is all becoming one big “joke” . When will Hashem have mercy on us and allow for a religious prime minister who understands the beracha given by Yaacob to Esav harasha in this weeks parasha – “al charbecha techyeh” ? These animals will never leave us alone until Mashiach comes bimhera beyameinu amen.

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