U’vichukosayhem Lo Sayleychu

In remarks published Friday, leading Zionist rabbi Yisrael Rozen said the state should immediately authorize the formation of unsupervised Jewish youth militias that would be free to fire back at Palestinian Authority-controlled Gaza in whatever way possible every time a terrorist missile hit southern Israel.

Rozen said that with all the world’s censuring of Israel’s cautious military operations, the only logical thing to do is “respond to terror with counter-terror, an eye for an eye.”

The rabbi explains that the government will then “be able to argue that the State of Israel has become fully integrated into the Middle East and is [like its Arab neighbors] incapable of controlling its militant…youth.”

11 Responses

  1. While the idea is a good idea, it is ridiculous to intend to act like them. They are a bunch if terroristic, animalistic thugs. We don’t subscribe to their methods and ideals.

  2. What then should we do to stop the terror? Sure, teshuvah is the answer, but how are you going to convince the chilonim of that? If I’m not mistaken, Rav Shach zt”l once said that the primary cause of the tzoros in Eretz Yisrael are that people do not keep Torah and Mitzvos. (I don’t know the exact words the gaon used.) So, even if you get all the frummer like us to do teshuvah properly (and that would be a great day indeed — and I assume it happens every Yom Kippur), how will you convince the frei’er? You can’t just say “we can’t be like them.” You have to say “what’s right for us to do?” When Amon and Mo’av or Edom attacked Eretz Yisrael, Bnai Yisrael got swords and retaliated. Since when has it become assur to defend yourself? Admittedly, this is a time of Galus, but I’m not sure that means that we have to just stretch our necks out and let the sword fall. I don’t know. What do the Gedolim say about this?

  3. an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth…
    read tehillim “im ikesh titakesh….”
    Rabbi Rozen is on to something! Treating the perpetrator the way they perpetrate is not “acting like them”. You are in essence saying, duvdl, that a killer should not get the death penalty.
    Think again, Duvdl.

  4. I think this is all rhetoric on the rabbi’s part.

    Note this quote:
    “The rabbi explains that the government will then “be able to argue that the State of Israel has become fully integrated into the Middle East and is [like its Arab neighbors] incapable of controlling its militant…youth.””

    I think he is just pointing out the difference between Jews and Arabs and showing that the PA could control its youth if it wanted to. Such a proposal would not get anywhere in Israel, justified though it may be.

    In the meantime, the Israeli government needs to get its act together and defend the Jews living in Israel. Better yet, Moshiach should come already – the state of Israel is no less in golus than the rest of the world.

  5. There are two major problems with this , not only would the entire world scream out in outrage and condemnation, but our morrally bankrupt gvt. would pursue these Jewish youth with a zeal they lack when it comes to pursuing arab terrorists. When they do catch an arab they send him/her to one of teh ISraeli Universities of Terrorism known as jail to be later exchanged several thousand for one of our kidnapped soldiers. Olmert is only interested in how many pens he can collect and how many bribes he can get. Tzippy the bird Livni is busy trying to make Israel into a fun country, i hear that she suggested replacing the IDF’s ammo with paintballs. There was astory to this effect in one of teh Israeli papers!
    Our own armed civilians? I think not!

  6. AY! Ah Gevalt! Is this what we’ve come down to? Is this really our last Hope?
    I remember the day when we used Tehillim for our weapon.Oy, how times have changed, nebach!

  7. Yenta,

    Ah Gevalt! Have you not read t’nach at all? Or do you think that what you ead in t’nach was for then and doesn’t apply to us??! All through our history Jews went to war when necessary. The list is endless but I offer a few for you to go study & maybe, maybe you will change your mind.

    The Chashmonaim called out “Mi lahashem Eilay?
    Yaakov prepared to meet his brother Eisov & his 400 men with tefilah and military strategies.
    Pinchas killed kazbi & many others who were causing the Jews to transgress
    Shimon & Levy went to war with Shchem tp protect the name of their sister-although Ley’s intentions weren’t totally pure.
    Shaul Hamelech was ordered to kill out the complete nation of Amalek & got punished because he didn’t kill them all out and had misplaced rachmanus
    David Hamelech killed Goliath-who was going to kill the Jews

    We must always pray to Hashem for his help & for the final redemption, and when necessary we must fight our enemies & protect our people with ammunition!

  8. under no circumstances can Israel be allowed to purposely target civilians…this was always the diffrenciating factor between us and all terorist nations…besides the fact that we will lose any political upper hand that we ever enjoyed…we will be equal to the terrorists…

  9. He’s an interesting person, Rabbi Rozen…
    Although I suspect that Jews who don’t have the messirus nefesh to go to the Kotel and to Hebron would kal vachomer not have the messirus nefesh to actually fight the terrorists ym”sh in person

  10. “eleh barecheb ve’ele basusim Vaanachnu beshem hashem elokeini nazkir” …Yenta is right , but so is everyone else. The fallacy though of Israel going to war is that they dont go with the name of Hashem on their tongues they go thinking they are mightier. We will never win a battle unless we know that it is Hashem behind us. It is for this reason that I strongly disagree with Jews who are against the state of Israel. Had Hashem not wanted us to win all of the wars of the past 60 or so years we wouldnt have! When you have a government who forcefully expels its own people in order to hand it over to blood stained terrorists how can you expect them to win a war?

  11. Rivki: There is a difference between a Bais Din giving a murderer the death penalty and “bands of unsupervised youth militias” with carte blanche to fire back at murderers. It calls to mind the pilegesh bigiv’ah, from the time of the Shoftim. But probably, as Itzik says, it’s just rhetoric. And the statement makes the point well, I think.

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