Wow is that the Hille Drebbin I know?????? – I recognize that facial expression from someone sitting next to me by a recent Maple Leaf Hockey game…….Im impressed he has become the newest Lakewood Askon
Hachnosos Sefer Torah one day, Jim Brown the next. Can’t wait for the Ponevezh parlor meeting!
Russel,looks like youre holding on to that sefer as if im going to take it from you….
who was invited from the Blue Jays?
I see Russ Courtnal in the back
Hillel a healthy mazel tov on joining the coveted group of lakewood askonim……
7 Responses
Oh Oh! Some’s having a good time with this one.
Wow is that the Hille Drebbin I know?????? – I recognize that facial expression from someone sitting next to me by a recent Maple Leaf Hockey game…….Im impressed he has become the newest Lakewood Askon
Hachnosos Sefer Torah one day, Jim Brown the next. Can’t wait for the Ponevezh parlor meeting!
Russel,looks like youre holding on to that sefer as if im going to take it from you….
who was invited from the Blue Jays?
I see Russ Courtnal in the back
Hillel a healthy mazel tov on joining the coveted group of lakewood askonim……