Frum Police Officer can now rest on Shabbos

A Frum, Towson University (near Baltimore) police officer will be allowed to rearrange his work schedule to observe Shabbos under an agreement reached with school officials.

Police Officer David Brown was “Migayer” to Yiddishkeit about five years ago. Since then, he’s missed shifts on Shabbos.

The dispute prompted protests and petitions by students and accusations that the university discriminated against Brown when it suspended him.

The agreement was reached Monday before a hearing that could have led to Brown’s termination. Under the agreement, Brown will be given leeway to find other officers to work shifts that fall on Shabbos.

Some students viewed Brown as a victim of religious discrimination, saying an Orthodox police officer made the campus more diverse.

“It’s a source of pride for the Jewish community, and they’re taking that away from us,” said Towson sophomore Shlomo Goldman, who organized a rally along with a Jewish student organization in support of Brown.

Members of the Baltimore Jewish Council also supported Brown.

2 Responses

  1. This is a good step forwards. Until now I would have said that an ehrlicher Yid should not join the police force. But if it is possible to get off on Shabbos without seniority, then maybe it’s okay.

  2. I’m a Shomer Shabbos NYPD police officer.
    We have a few frum yidden on the job. We are fully accommodated in regards to Shabbosim / Yom Tovim.

    You should keep in mind that Gentiles may not understand the nature of Sabbath; therefore, try to request these accommodations nicely, respectfully, politely. “Protests,” “petitions,” “accusations” may increase hate / anti-semitism.
    If possible, resolve disputes without making your fellow officers envy / abhor you. Making accommodations for you gives extra work and extra headache for someone else.
    Thank them often.


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