Recent Yerushalayim Hafganah costs

hafpic.jpgYerushalayim police announced that the recent Hafganos in Yerushalayim had cost the city 20 million Shekalim. The costs include 170 destroyed traffic lights, 800 burned garbage containers, overtime for 10,000 policemen and soldiers and 11,000 meals three times daily.

6 Responses

  1. The Municipality of Yerushalayim can deduct it from its Maaser/Tzedoka fund, as it was money well spent! – Yasher Koach to all those heilige Yidden who were moyser nefesh to “fight for what’s right”!

  2. I propose that they send the bill to the organizers of the shame parade. If you want to be conroversial, then you gotta pay for it! On the other hand, this will hopefully make the city think long and hard before they allow another disgusting display to be planned!

  3. I am not agreeing with the Shame Parade, however, 170 destroyed traffic lights and 800 burned garbage containers…Is that something to be proud of?

  4. Steinway – you are right on the mark!! It’s one thing to protest a tremendous Chillul HaShem, such as the abominable parade, but to make an even greater Chillul HaShem while doing it…doesn’t make much sense to me.

  5. definitly, i agree with steinway and sg, i was there at those hafganos of breaking traffic lights and it was a terrible chillul hashem. BUT I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT THESE PEOPLE WHO DID THESE ACTS WERE NOT HIEMISHE GUYS.

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