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Ponavez update: From a Yeshiva Bochur

ponaveztimer.jpgThere were 3 water heating coils which were doused with some kind of chemical and were set to heat up in the middle of the Shiur of R’ Chaim Shlomo Lebowitz. And as they reached the boiling point there was a small boom and the room became a little stifling. Reb Chaim continued his Shiur until his son said it was a Sakanah.

Three Bochrim were taken to the hospital and the police are on the scene. 

Reb Gershon Eidelstein Shlita was on his way to give a Shmuess – and upon hearing what had happened he fainted. 

R’ Gershon gave the Shmuess in his house 2 hours later.

For more pics click HERE

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