This Friday night (Parshas Vayeira) R’ Shlomo Cynamon Shlita ,[R”M in Yeshivas Torah Temimah] will be giving the weekly Shiur at 8:00PM in Rabbi Halberstam Shlita’s Shul. (1124 East 24th Street, corner of Ave J.)
On Motzei Shabbos (Parshas Vayeira), R’ Yankel Drillman Shlita, [Rosh Yeshivas Bais Yosef / Novardik] will be giving the weekly Sugyas Daf Yomi Shiur בענין מתוך והואיל at 7:15PM in Rabbi Halberstam Shlita’s Shul.
2 Responses
The Shul is on the corner of East 21st Street and Ave. J.
Its actually on the corner of J and E. 21 street not 24th.