R’ Nosson Gestetner Shlita in Flatbush

Hagoen R’ Nosson Gestetner Shlita (Mechaber Seforim L’horaos Noson, and Rosh Yeshivas Ponim Meiros) will be spending this Shabbos, Parshas Vayeira in Flatbush. He will be davening in Kehillos Kollel B’nei Hayeshivos – 2402 Avenue P – and speaking between Kabollas Shabbos and Maariv. Minchah Erev Shabbos is at 4:30PM.

One Response

  1. Motze Shabbos will Guan talk by the big Diner for Kolel Metziyunim V’Yoel Moshe D’Satmar, Yerishuleiyim. the Diner is in the Continental Hall in Williamsburg.

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