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Security threat might delay Shame Parade

Owing to the heightened security alert nationwide, which was declared following the events in Beit Hanoun Wednesday, the authorities are considered delaying the controversial parade.

The security establishment has 15 specific terror warnings, and already on Wednesday police were on high alert. On Friday police will raise alert to emergency levels nationwide due to the Jerusalem rally. Police will have to deploy numerous forces across the country and therefore may appeal to the Attorney General to reconsider delaying the parade to a later date.

Representative of the attorney’s office Eran Ettinger informed the High Court of Justice that police would convene Thursday to assess the circumstances and decide on the fate of the upcoming parade.

2 Responses

  1. what a bunch of yiddishe vilde chayos cant accomplish, the arabs with some weapons did for us. The Israeli High Court is going to examine R. Eliyashuv and R. Stienman’s phone records to see if they are behind this, and then will arrest them for incitement!

  2. So once again Hashem sends us a crisis and potential catastrophe to “postpone” this infernal parade. When will they ever learn that “postpone” is not the solution. “cancel” is the solution?

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