PM: Iran Seeking to Neutralize Israel’s Abilities Against Hamas & Hizbullah

bibi3.jpgIn an interview on Sunday with the American media, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned that the efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program is by far not an Israeli interest alone, but one of the global community. Netanyahu explained that Iran is seeking to provide a “nuclear umbrella” to neutralize Israel’s ability to respond to terror organizations such as Hamas and Hizbullah.

“Iran does not need an atom bomb for status” explained the prime minister, “but to destroy,” adding Iran is sending thousands of missiles to terrorists such as Hamas and Hizbullah with specific instructions to target civilians.

In his first public statements on the topic since the elections in Iran, the prime minister stated that the vanishing democracy in Iran is apparent to all, and the widespread protests are a clear sign to the world as to the character of the leadership, a regime that subjugates its entire people.

Regarding the policies of the new American administration vis-à-vis Iran, Netanyahu added that he does not plan to comment on President Barak Obama’s policy of dialogue and diplomacy, adding we are all aware that America would like to see a free Iran, emphasizing the true goal is to halt the nuclear program and diplomacy is a means to that end.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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