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Update on family from Saint Louis car accident (Succos)

Yeshivaworld had reported the story of the major accident which took place in Saint Louis on Chol Hamoed Succos. The father R’ Elazar Grunberger Shlita constantly thanks the Tzibur for their Tefillos etc. Here is his latest letter. This mans strong Emunah is truly amazing.–YW Editor.

It’s 3 1/2 weeks; Wednesday night will be one month since we encountered this ordeal.
I wish I could track the flood of thoughts, ideas, emotions, and insights that have crossed my mind and heart. 
I think about what is the human experience all about anyway:  it’s about “u’Vacharta BaChaim” (“and Choose Life”).  We don’t live in utopia.  We don’t live free of tests and challenges.  We haven’t yet perfected the world (starting with ourselves) to merit the dream existence which we don’t exactly have a conceptual grasp on anyway.  We’re distracted.  We loose sight of what is really important and what our true priorities should be.  I’m at least speaking about myself.  So we get different levels of wake up calls, all for our benefit and good.  We need to make the right choices and respond to all the different challenges, opportunities, and gifts, in the proper and effective way.  This is the choice and this is part of the test.  We strive and are committed to keep the right attitude, perspective, and focus and hope that we’re making the right choices. 
There are times when reality hits home.  This is the time, which I hope that I, my wife and my kids, will be able to internalize the basics of life: “we’re not in control”, “prayer is real and works”, “HaShem is the Rofeh Cholim” (and the Doctors are the wonderful agents), “there’s a master plan and all is for the good”, and many more basic and important life lessons.
The more we internalize these critical tenants of life, the more zechusim (merits) will accrue in the merit of those who need merits, including ourselves and all of our families, particularly for Tehilla and Rafael Dovid who are in need of rachmei shamayim, (mercy from Heaven).
Here’s the update:
Tehilla has made tremendous strides.  She talks a lot, she’s writing, reading, recognizing most of her visitors and friends, she’s welcoming, courteous, friendly, and more; all good signs towards a great recovery.  In the meanwhile, with all the appreciation of how far she’s come, she is far from her self and her injury still takes its toll in disorientation, confusion, agitation, and other distressful signs.  This I’m told is part of the healing and recovery process and the positive signs thus far are very encouraging for the short term and long term possibilities and prognosis, be”H (with G-d’s help).  To translate this into practical terms, how the head heals and everything reconnects (please G-d), re energizes, regenerates, and gets back to normal, is all up to HaShem which means our tefillos (prayers) and efforts to create merits are critically important. 
The same goes for Rafael Dovid.  He has made improvements.  His eyes are opened (for over a week), his pupils are normal (Thank G-d), he seems to be looking, he’s trying to move his hands a bit.  Last Wednesday, they started sitting him up in a wheel chair for different time periods.  He looks much better in a chair than in bed the entire time.  Today, my daughter and the nurses are convinced that he blinked and nodded upon command.  I hope it’s true which is a huge step.  These accomplishments, especially for his age, are encouraging signs for rehab.  Our job is to daven with him, love him, read to him, play music, caress him, and encourage him.  I hope it’s giving him strength and comfort under his circumstances.
I mentioned on Shabbos during my Drasha (sermon) how ecstatic the nurses and we felt when his pupils responded to light!  How excited we were when the neurologist pinched his leg and he reacted!  How he responded to a lemon stick touching his tongue along with what I believe was a somewhat sour face. !!  Wow!  We say our morning Brochos everyday which enumerates all our basic gifts and blessings; and how much do we pay attention?  Why is it that for so many of us, we need a “reminder” to appreciate all our wonderful blessings? 
Tomorrow morning, 7:30 am St. Louis time (in 6 1/2 hours from now), Rafael Dovid is scheduled for surgery to put back his bone flap, the part of the skull that was removed to allow the swelling to take it’s course during the first critical week after the accident.  Thank G-d, as I wrote earlier, each week he made tremendous strides which we hope will continue all the way to a full recovery.
We appreciate the outpour of concern and tefillos on their behalf.  It’s our hope and prayer that all the many tehillim, learning in their merit, tefillos, chesed and numerous other efforts to increase zechuyos, will not only be a direct merit to Tehilla and Rafael Dovid but as Mesilas Yesharim writes, “haOseh Chesed, mekabail Chesed”, (one who does chesed will receive chesed), and everyone will see nachas and simcha, yeshuos, venechamos within your own families and communities.  The spiritual energies and merits that are generated should also benefit all Cholei Yisroel, all who are sick and need our prayers.
On a simcha note:  our newborn granddaughter born last week to our daughter Sora Liba and Binyomin Yudin, was named, Bluma (Blumi) after Binyomin’s late grandmother. 
On another simcha note: we are beginning to make plans for Leah’s chasuna which looks like it will be here in St. Louis sometime in Shevat, late January or early February.  We daven that Tehilla and Rafael Dovid will be able to dance and bring joy to the Choson and Kallah.
We appreciate your continued tefillos and efforts which has worked thus far and we pray will continue until both will be granted a full recovery, complete in body and mind to serve HaShem with their full abilities, talents, and understanding, and without handicaps, deficits or limitations. 
Thank you.
Elazar Grunberger

8 Responses

  1. All I can say is WOW, what amazing people to be displaying these emotion at such a trying time. Mi ke’amcha yisroel. May all their dreams and hopes come true.

  2. Wow its amazing how people who have been taken threw the hardest times in there life turn round an take it as a test an a time to look back at there wrong doings an take it as a real wake up call an are mechazak themselves an then automatically the kehila an people around the world which is a kidush hashem of the highest degree for us jews around the globe an am sure for the nurses an doctors workin with these special family.,
    may it never chas vesholom have to come to these wake up calls again an everyone with the bal rofeh h’bh in control should have a ful an true recovery..
    Hashem should keep giving the family community the strength they need to continue on there amazing ways..
    please leave the full names of the children needin a refoh hatzlocha thanx

  3. i have your childrens names on my tefillo list. this blog-site is worthwhile because it keeps us informed on the progress of the people we are davening for.
    May Hashem give them all have a refuah shleimo, bsoch shaar cholei yisroel, bikorove!

    ps how is elisha?

  4. Dearest Bracha, R. Elazar and Family,

    MAZAL TOV ON THE GRANDDAUGHTER!!!!! May this be a sign of only good things to come!

    Chessed–what goes around, comes around. This is so true in your case: the chessed that you’ve given to others, so generously, is now being given back to you through tefillos. It is impossible to count the number of people around this world who are–at this very moment (no matter when you happen to read this)–davening for you and your children. We’ve all been davening for you, and sending your names along to all of the people on our own ‘davening lists’–countless e-mails and letters have gone out, asking people to add your names to their lists, and to continue to forward your names to more and more lists.

    In addition to the tefillos, as per one of your recent “chizzak-dik updates,” many of us have taken-on an extra mitzvah or commitment for the refuah shelaima of all of you. Your own words of bitachon give such chizzuk to us all.

    I know that the St. Louis community is giving its entire heart and soul to each of you, doing whatever each person needs to make this challenging time less difficult for you. From far away, all the rest of us can do is continue our tefillos and tears to Hashem. Maybe Hashem’s “medicine” for a refuah is made at least partially from the tears that have been shed for each of you. Maybe Hashem takes all of our tears and our hopes and our wishes and our tefillos, and mixes them together in His Heart, and creates a refuah shelaima. Maybe. That is my hope for today, because if that is true, then there will be a refuah shelaima for each of you very soon.

    R. Elazar and Bracha, as hard as it is, try, also, to take time to take care of yourselves. You need to be at your best, to give your best to the kids.

    Know that you are loved and cared about and that the power of tefillah is shining across the world.

    With love,
    “Aunt” Peggy (Notowich) Schwarzmer

  5. hi, i’m leah grunberger, and i only made myself a username to write this.

    first of all, every time i speak to my parents, they say that its only in the zchus of the tefillos, tzedaka, and chesed that have gotten my sister and brother this far, and in the zchus of all of the continued tefillos etc. tehilla and refael dovid will have a COMPLETE refuah. our gratitude is endless.

    second of all, someone asked about elisha. he and chaim are doing well. they are back in school, and dealing with the whole situation as best as they can. thank you for your concern.

    third of all, its true that my parents are special, wonderful people but we’re just a normal family. my whole family took this as a wake up call, and boruch hashem so many others did too. hashem sent this nisayon to us, i’m sure, because He wanted us ALL to do teshuva. don’t make Him send more wake up calls…. in a few months from now people will forget about my family. but don’t forget the message…

    thank you so much for your tefillos. may we all see a yeshuah soon.

  6. Leah,

    May Tehilla and Refael Dovid have a Refuah Shelaima Bekarov. Thank you for posting here, and for sharing your inspiring and very true words.

  7. Here as in many places we are thinking good thoughts for you, your children, and your family. As soon as the first email arrived, it was sent to the Chicago area “Tehillim Team”, and unknown numbers of people here continue to say Tehillim on everyone’s behalf. Yes we know it makes a difference as so many of us have felt that important difference during our own trials. Your letter is both heartwarming and tremendously inspirational.
    May your inspiration combine with the Tefillos of the Olam to bring continued strength to the recoveries of your children, and to the emuna and bitachon of all families who have trials like this one.
    One people, one heart. One Hashem~~

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