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Today is MARAN R’ Shach ZATZAL’s Yartzheit

Here are parts of Rav Shach’s tzava’ah. In the will, Rav Shach conducts a scathing cheshbon hanefesh. “Since no man knows when his final day on earth will transpire,” the tzava’ah begins, “I have decided to make a cheshbon hanefesh-to review my past, and to scrutinize every detail and every one of my deeds that might be interpreted as mitzvos, but are really aveiros. Woe to us from Yom Hadin. Woe to us from the Day of Rebuke. Who will be considered upright before You in the din?

“I also ask that those students who know that they benefited from me in Torah, yiras Hashem or in middos do a chessed for my neshama and study at least one mishna or one mussar thought a day for my sake. That will be my reward, for I was also moser nefesh for the sake of your success in Torah study. Similarly, if I am able to intercede in Shamayim on your behalf, I will do so, bli neder.”

Rav Shach closes his will, saying, “I pray that I will merit to stand before Hakodosh Boruch Hu after having done teshuva shelaima. I part from you with love.”

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