Yerushalayim on fire Thursday night!

yerushalayimonfire3.jpgyerushalayimonfire2.jpgyerushalayimonfire1.jpgThe city of Yerushalayim was aflame on Thursday evening as thousands & thousands of people staged Hafganos on every corner throughout the city. Traffic came to a complete halt for hours. The Israeli police responded with their well known “Nazi style” beatings and arrested scores of individuals.

Numerous people were transported by MDA & Hatzolah to nearby hospitals. Injuries ranged from massive bleeding to broken bones.

Massive Hafganos are planned for Erev Shabbos from 11:30AM until 1:0PM throughout Yerushalayim and other major cities throughout Eretz Yisroel. Traffic will be brought to a screeching halt on a usually busy Friday.

All Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos and Rebbes have signed huge Kol Koreh’s which are plastered across the country. They are urging everyone to attend and protest the filth that will be exposed openly and without shame in the holy city of Yerushalayim. 

All this in the week of Parshas Lech Lecha when it talks about Sodom…….

15 Responses

  1. why dont the elected officials stop this march with as much force that the cops are usind against the march protesters ????

  2. I’m still waiting for The Agudah / Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah to issue a Kol Koreh against these pigs in the strongest terms possible.

    Show the world that they CARE for Kedushas Eretz Yisroel.

    Like Hagoen Reb Chaim Kanievsky Shlita said: “Parade? Sure they can make a parade……… SIDOM!!!!!!!”

    As a Yeshivaworld reader wrote: “Why don’t the American Yidden stage a massive protest at the Israeli Embassy in New York & let them know how outraged we are?


  3. “Why don’t the American Yidden stage a massive protest at the Israeli Embassy in New York & let them know how outraged we are?”

    Not sure of the answer to that. Perhaps we are too busy with our chinese auctions.

  4. Sorry to insert this kind of remark, but I was a bit startled by the headline. I got scared, because for a moment I thought it meant that the homes in Yerushalayim had chas v’sholom caught on fire. On the other hand, to the right way of looking at things, this to’aivah would be a worse conflagration, so perhaps the headline was apt. Still, I think it would have been better to use a measure of … I’m not sure what word to use here. But in any case, please let us know if there is a protest planned here. Meanwhile, there’s all those e-mail letters we can send to Israeli gov’t officials, in protest.

  5. This has been compared to Sodom. In Sodom, this chet was widespread. But what brought closer the punishment was their avairos shebain odom lachavairo — how they sinned towards one another. If the march itself doesn’t cause enough din, certainly Jews beating up other Jews, as the police have long been doing towards fum Jews, will, I fear, hasten the punishment. And who knows who will be caught up in that conflagaration? Will there be enough tzaddikim to save all the rishoim and the beinonim? Will there be enough tzaddikim to save the TZADDIKIM?

  6. A lot of the emails I sent were returned undelivered.
    I wonder how much a demonstration here would really help?
    Why bring a Jewish issue here if we don’t have to, enough of the world think we’re crazy already!

  7. The community must get together on this one and stage a protest as the other writers wrote. Does anyone have contact with Rabbi Yehuda Levin? He can help organize. Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt”l would of been the first one to march, he didn’t let politics stand in the way!

  8. If there is a demonstration it should be as broadbased as possible. This should not end up being portrayed as a “ultra-Orthodox” fringe demonstration. It would not have nearly as much effect.

    Having said that, I’m in agreement that there should be something done here as well.

  9. At least in America you can have demonstrations. Here the Israeli police will charge in with horses looking, yes looking, to seriously maim as a way of stopping the demonstration. If someone challila gets killed that will just be a mistake. Instead of trying to stop this march the aim should be to get it moved to Sdom where it belongs.

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