Signs that were just hung up in Yerushalayim

hafgannah6.jpghafgannah7.jpgThese are just a sample of the signs which were just hung up throughout Yerushalayim urging everyone to attend a Hafganah this evening (7:45PM Kikar Shabbos) at which R’ Moshe Shterbach Shlita will publicly declare our disgust against the Tumah which will penetrate Eretz Yisroel to it’s core; if the planned “Pride Parade” takes place as scheduled. There is also a Hafganah scheduled for Erev Shabbos (11:00Am -12:30PM) throughout Yerushalayim at which all major intersections will be blocked in protest.

9 Responses

  1. I don’t think R’ Moishe Shterbach shelita or however the yw editor wants to call him is ALL the rabonim like susshow somehow wants to say. But i do know that the rabonim know quiet well what there doing, and if they don’t go out against it then they sure have reason to it and we small minded people have no right to criticize them.

  2. What do you people expect? That the rabonim should tell there chasidim/followers to go out against the pride parade? Offcourse those temimeste bocherim and kids that don’t know what it’s all about, will go and find out what there rabonim were talking about. Would you tell your kids to go too and then explain to them what the parade is all about when they ask you?

  3. Perhaps the gedolei hador feel that it might be best to totally ignore the baalei toavah. Giving them attention indicates they matter somewhat. Ignoring them says they have zero significance. This is just a guess as to why the gedolim are silent. Has anyone asked Rav Elyashiv, Rav Shteinman, Rav Kenievsky, or Rav Wosner what they think the tzibur should do? The list here is not intended to be comprehensive; no slight intended toward any godol not mentioned.

  4. What about us in chutz laoretz . why don’t we organize a protest in front of the Israeli embassy and tell them we will not send our children to study where abomonations of this sort are allowed. Money talks. Again we’re sleeping . ” Mah lecho nirdam” ?

  5. Zemel, he is not all of the Rabonim. That is true. However my point is that this is just one of many examples of things being done to try and stop the parade. Many have blamed and criticized others (including Rabonim) for not steping up and doing something.
    As far as your point, Ish Yehudi, it is not possible that a godol would take a passive position on something so deaply evil and Rishusdik as the gay parade. I just can not see that

  6. TO CLARIFY: When “Where are the Rabbonim” was written it meant “THE AMERICAN RABBONIM!!!!


    As usual, the people of Eretz Yisroel will fend for themselves, while we sit in our cozy little USA while they fight for the Kedushas Eretz Yisroel.

  7. R’ Shternbuch is not the only Rav speaking out. The signs hanging are signed by the Eida Hachareidis. I heard that R’ Elyashiv gave his haskama, but I have not been able to confirm this.

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