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BADATZ on Pride Parade – We are going to war over this!!!

Charedim keep threatening to strike the pride parade scheduled to take place in Yerushalayim in two weeks. Most recently, Jerusalem Police Chief Ilan Franko met with R’ Yitzhak Tuvia Weiss Shlita (BADATZ). Franko asked to learn about the stance of Charedi Rabbonim who declared their intent of a Million Man Protest against the parade. Police did not release details of the meeting.

A source close to the R’ Weiss Shlita said that he told Franko that he cannot promise the police chief that there won’t be Charedi violence at the march.

Even an offer of compromise, that the parade be moved further from the center of the city, was rejected out of hand by the Charedim, and the police chief was informed that they intend to go “all the way” on the issue.

It was reported that Franko had shown the Charedim the intended parade route, in the hopes of convincing them to stay away from areas where it would run. In response, the Rabbonim responded, “We’re going to war on this issue.”

The Charedi counter-march is set to take place on Rechov Hillel, where the march is set to begin. One plan that came up in Charedi forums is to infiltrate the march with some fifty men who “don’t look Charedi…who will ‘blast’ the parade from the inside”.

“He said every cop seen along the way should be beaten. After all, the police will try and stop us…so we should be prepared and bring sticks to hit them,” he stated, adding “a direct order hasn’t been issued, but everyone knows.”

The Chareidim will most likely be joined in their protests by the Agudat Yisroel. Despite pushing ninety, Menachem Porush is still active in advancing a counter-march to the rally.

“We haven’t yet decided what to do, but we can’t, without a doubt, allow such an abomination to go by as part of the daily agenda in Yerushalayim”. 

One Response

  1. IN ANOTHER 50 YEARS OR SO THERE WILL BE NO NEED FOR PROTESTS. AT THIS RATE THERE WILL BE ONLY CHAREDIM LEFT. Make a simple calculation how many of these dirty people were there 10 years ago and how many are there now r”l? All because the applause and backing they get.

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