A Lakewood resident speaks their mind!

I would like to add my two cents, for what its worth, on the Lakewood landlord situation. I do not believe it has anything to do with the fact that most of the rentals involved have Latino/Hispanic occupants. I believe it has to do with the huge influx of illegals coming into Lakewood, NJ. At one of the township meetings just months ago, the committee admitted that there were more than 16,000 illegals here in Lakewood. We must admit that this is certainly driving up prices for rentals, and closing down any availability of housing as well.

Then we have these absentee landlords, who have no idea who their tenants are; why? because they have others who go out and find tenants. So by trusting another to find you tenants, you have no idea what your getting into, do you? These folks who rent say they have a small family to live there, and eventually you find out, through the neighbors of your new tenants, that there are 19 or more in a home zoned for only 6 occupants.

I am on the other side of the coin here – I have had to deal with most of my neighbors moving out; selling their homes, which they had for decades; and being replaced with, not a nice family; but dozens of folks in a single family home.

You may think all you have to do is just ignore them; but trust me, you cannot ignore the blasting music at all hours. You cannot ignore the trash lined up covering the entire yards. You cannot ignore the dozens of vehicles parked where grass used to grow. You cannot ignore these men coming out and urinating in front of you and your daughters. You cannot ignore seeing them so drunk they can’t get into the car; and then watch as they drive off!

One house on one side of us was operating an illegal day care center; by the time the inspectors arrived, after two years of complaining – they found that 25 people were living there. They had converted the basement into illegal apartments and were merely picking up strange men off of Clifton Avenue to rent them. They had no certificate of occupancy – they had no working heat, and we know how cold it gets here. They had no fire or carbon alarms; there was black mold all over the place inside. They had man-made electrical appliances all over the house. Not to mention the exterior which was a literal dump! Hazardous waste, beds, bikes, tires, lumber, shingles, cribs, buckets and buckets of dirty diapers, etc.

On the other side of us is a home filled with nothing but men. We have no idea who these dozens of men are. They are all Mexican, which I don’t care about, except that they make it a point to brag they are illegal. They say to us; “your own president doesn’t care about us being here, so no one will care if you report us.�? And this, I’m afraid, I must agree with…

But, my point is this, I have small children here – and are these men wanted for being killers, rapists, child molesters? We just don’t know, do we? If they are healthy, or carrying a disease such as TB or Hepatitis – which many are bringing into our country. They have very different traditions than you and I have. They believe in machismo mentality. And they believe that very young girls are perfect for older men.

These men also do not like to pay their bills; such as gas. So they rig up illegal, dangerous gadgets – like propane tanks using dish washing hoses rigged to the natural gas line of the stove! As well as, several kerosene heaters throughout the entire house, because they don’t purchase heating oil either. The build up was so great when the inspectors arrived, they had to close the house down because it was labeled unsafe and lethal.

Should I have to live like this? Is this fair to me? When is my day in court? I don’t think the judge should be fining and jailing these landlords; I feel the judge should be forcing them to live next to their own tenants, like I have to do!

I have been fighting this issue for far too long now. And I’m glad that its coming to light here. And yes, the illegal community is not going to go anywhere because too many folks are employing them right here in Lakewood. The muster zone was a huge disaster, but I do give the Mayor credit for trying to appease to many of us here. I have met and spoken with him many times and I think his heart is in the right place. He is a very good man. And I was very sorry to hear about others going to his home; he has no power over the actions of a Judge. And I was very upset to hear the cry of “discrimination�? used in court as well. It was far from it. This landlord had since May to make repairs, and to obtain a certificate of occupancy. He is at fault – if you are going to rent, you must abide by the rules and laws which not only protect your tenants, but those of us who live beside them as well.

Race and religion have absolutely nothing to do with this issue; and I take great offense when folks try to use such to divert attention away from their own wrongful actions. Imagine a town with no rules or laws for landlords and tenants – what kind of hole would be become?

Well, that’s my two cents – my intention is never to offend anyone, but merely to share the facts and other side of the story here. I have taken great time to share this with all the judges involved as well. I think its important that they see its not a one sided issue. Many lives are being affected by such behavior. We must all be responsible to one another. And try to do so with kindness and respect.

Humble Angel

49 Responses

  1. This article should be posted and past around in every shul & school in Lakewood. In fact everyone should post their horror stories and whats really going on around town. this is l’toeles harabim!

  2. In my opinion this is not necessarily an issue of who they are renting to (which is a horrible), I feel that they should understand that they are breaking the law. It doesn’t matter that other people are doing illegal things in Lakewood as well, face the fact, you are breaking the law you will pay for it.
    The ‘landlords’ got away long enough with what’s going on. To add to the facts are all the issues that people are raising (filth, danger etc.)

  3. These “Frumer” home owners who put in the illeagals next to our Olam are a bunch of Reshayim and we should be making demonstrations in front of their homes and not the Mayor’s.

  4. This article is from the best I’ve read in a while. It’s true thoughts of many of us out here. I thank the writer for speaking up for us.

    Just one thought: Your last piece – “I have taken great time to share this with all the judges involved as well. I think its important that they see its not a one sided issue…” I understand the importance you feel to explain that were not all on the other side, but it bothers me how a jew could in any way contribute to the courts penalty on another jew. The laws of Moser apply wether the jew is at fault or not.

  5. As I finished writing my last comment I saw that some others wrote comments as well, which I think bring out my point a little more.

    Kishke writes:

    “Let the landlords sit. Who cares?”

    People do sometimes deserve punishment. But these words in my eyes are “horrifying”!!!!

    He may deserve it but he is a human being, a jew, a shomer torah umitzvos!!!!!!!! He also has a wife with kids!!!!!! Kishke do you have a wife and kids????

    Punishments are given but to punish and say “WHO CARES” was only done by few over the years. (Binai Amlaik)

  6. I agree with this article. Let’s have housing inspectors out in full force and clean up our neighborshoods. Legal immigrants, who are hard working can rent single family apartments as long as they keep it to single families to an apartment. All others must go! We don’t want all these lowlifes staring at our women and girls, dirtying up the properties etc. The Quality of life inspectors must insure that these properties stay clean, well kept and safe, inside and out. If they are fire hazards they are dangerous to the neighbors also.

  7. Thanks YW for giving the ordinary folk a voice. This is a real chance to educate the masses as to the truth about these landlords.
    Please keep the issue alive.
    Let’s get more postings of the victims who are most directly affected by these lowlives.
    If we want to fix this problem fast, we need to go and buy a house next door to each investor and fill it with mexicans, at least 20 per house.
    I guarantee things will change real fast. We gotta make it real personal for these investors.

  8. TAC, I have news for you: Someone who calls the police when attacked is not a moser. The landlords are harming their neighbors. There is no recourse for the neighbors but calling the police. They have every right to do it, and I’m glad they did.

    As for “who cares?,” you’re right, his wife and kids probably do, and they should. But I don’t. Just as he doesn’t care about the people he harms.

  9. On second thought, I take that back. “Who cares” was too strong. But these guys definitely need a lesson, and I’m glad the township is going after them.

  10. Take A Chill,
    The author has every right to discuss with the judges our side.
    These landlords have the din of rodfim, they are casusing anti-semitism against all frum people of Lakewood.
    We have a duty to explain to the goyim, not to take it out on the “generic jew”, but to realize this issue has victims across all ethnic divides.

  11. I don’t see what’s so good about his article first of all I don’t know what area U live in but the Mexicans have probably been there before U just because U moved in to a place does not mean that they have to move away, yes the landlords do need to comply with the laws and the houses should not be overcrowded but as u said the landlord can rent out a house to 2 Mexicans and 2 weeks later there R 5 families in there now go try to evict them or kick them out U need to go thru the legal system but yet its the landlords fault all I am saying is U need to fine the tenants for the wrongdoing why in the world is the landlord responsible if the tenant parks on the grass or has a unregistered car in the driveway doesn’t make sense

  12. ConcernedCitizen:

    I understand your concern, and I’m sure that if your mexican neighbors are bothering you – you may call the police, (even though it’s owned by a yid), I would do the same. But: 1) The fact that they rent their houses to goyim may be wrong but I would hesitate to call them rodfim (each case must be judged separately). 2) I would advise to strongly consult a Rov before speaking with any guy of authority – A) If you may, B) Exactly what you may and may not say and with whom. You may be surprized that you may be doing something worth than these landlords themselves by saying the wrong things to the wrong goyim.


    As for Kishke you have a lot to learn and mature….mabe we can continue our conversation in a few years from now.

  13. To YW Editor,
    People seem to feel very strong about this issue. Is there anyway that this topic can be pinned to the top for a few days?

  14. It looks like most Lakewooders, except for the Lousy Slum Landlords, agree on this topic. Lakewood must enforce it’s laws to clean up this town. So why doesn’t it get done once and for all?

  15. Please correct your grammar.”A Lakewood resident speaks his mind” It should say either “Lakewood residents speak their minds” or “A Lakewood resident speaks his mind”

  16. Enough is enough!

    Where is the Lakewood Vaad on this issue?

    These Chayos did a disgusting thing by staging a protest at Mayor Lichtenstein’s private house!!

    Hello? Anyone home?

  17. The fact that the police are issuing unfair tickets is not because they are so concerned about your neighbors. They are issuing them only to Jews because they know the jews will pay. Right now they are hitting the landlords hard – but guess what – next it will be any jew – i saw a cop give a jew a ticket in front of Gelbstien’s because he was about one inch out of the markings- and just let them start with the diros that everyone has! This guy didn’t not have a CO – his CO didn’t cover the number of people – none of the jewish families have CO’s to cover all their children – when cops give tickets illegally, and force you to plead guilty, because otherwise they will find other reasons to make you miserable and have to pay – we have a very big problem – it is really not a landlord issue – it is an anti semitic issue – it’s easier to collect from the yidden and that’s why they harass them with tickets, not to protect your neighborhood from Mexicans – if they cared about that – they would fine the Employers that employ them which is why they are here in the first place – the jobs – there are 2800 mexicans employed in the industrial park.

  18. The situation would have never reached this predicament if Lakewood would have stayed the simply beautiful and Holy Makom Torah that it once was, and is so sorely missed. Those that made the Ikar, the beauty of learning, even ever so slightly less of an Ikar with excessive worldly preoccupations and exhibition of their needs, and affected Torah by having it take a back seat to materialistic appetites, did the Torah Velt a big Avla. Would it have been so terribly tragic for those that wished to reside in Lakewood to stay simple?

    Oy Lanu- how many of our children, of all ages, male and female, rich and poor, were negatively affected by what they would have never seen previously, in the Lakewood that was.

    If only our Manhigim would have had the strength needed to stop it in its tracks before it got to these proportions.

    There is nothing wrong with Hatzlachah in Parnasa, but there is something wrong with flaunting it, or causing harm to others with it.

  19. Its time we all wake and stop blaming everything on Anti-Semitism. Of course that is an issue, we are in Galus. However the landlords are doing something illegal and the time has come for them to pay for it.
    This is not to say that others are not doing something wrong we are talking about this issue alone. As the old saying goes “Two wrongs don’t make one right”.
    To answer you concern before, if you knew anything about Lakewood before you opened your mouth and showed your ignorance, you would know that all the landlords that are overcrowding their properties are Jewish. There are other issues concerning Goyim, and the township is actively pursuing them about this as well (know the facts first).
    The employment of illegals is a National issue and the local authorities have their hands tied with this. The overcrowding is a local issue.

  20. As I stated, my intent was not to offend anyone – I don’t care what religion you are or what race you are – the only thing I care about is how your tenants happen to conduct themselves. And for the record, I have lived here for over 20 years, so yes, indeed I have been here far longer than the illegal Mexican population, I’m afraid. I have watched as this town has lived through many such changes. And they are not all bad ones either.

    We would do well to remember that instead of crying “discrimination” or crying “anti semitism” – we have to remember who exactly has the largest population here in Lakewood, NJ. Yes, the Jewish community. They outnumber all other groups – I bring up this very important fact because it has great bearing on who the landlords are here as well.

    I know who all the “big hitters” are – for lack of a better word – and I know exactly how many properties, collectively they hold. So to claim racism in any form is far from correct – You will obviously have many more of the Jewish community in court because they obviously own more land and properties here, correct? So it may seem the scales are unbalanced, but they are not. They are in proportion to the number of Jewish owners.

    As far as the “tenants” paying fines; you would have to take that up with the Legislation of the state of New Jersey, for they are the ones who make the laws here. If its a local law then, again, you must petition our township council to possibly changes the ordinances. Doubtful that will happen because too many folks, like myself, have had to deal with these conditions for years now – and finally after crying out loud enough, someone is actually listening.

    If these landlords who rented to these tenants were black, white, chinese, korean, italian, polish, or green – I wouldn’t care! I would still hold them responsible for the horrific conditions that their tenants FORCE upon the likes of me and mine. Its not fair – plain and simple.

    I would suggest that these landlords draw up a new Lease with these tenants; put in some wonderful new clauses. State that should you, the Landlord, be taken to Court for anything that they, the tenant, may be responsible for – that you, the Landlord, will make them financially responsible for any and all charges incurred. That way you may be able to get back some of the funds/fines that they bring to you personally. I guarantee that these folks will think twice about moving in 25 people in a home zoned for only 6.

    And if your tenant leaves a vehicle, not registered, not insured, on your property; you, the Landlord, are not responsible for the fees the owner of the vehicle incur. I know that for a fact. They don’t fine the Landlord unless the Landlord refuses to move that abandoned vehicle in the time given to move it. FORCE that tenant to do what he must do to keep you, the Landlord out of court.

    I have tons of legal experience – There are many ways around this isuse. Fair ways. Fair to those of us who are forced to endure these tenants, and fair to the Landlords who feel they are being “discriminated” against.

    The ratio of the Jewish Landlords to the ratio of other Landlords is dramatic. So of course there are going to be some levels which you may feel are unfair, but in reality, are not at all.

    humble angel

  21. A point that has not been mentioned yet is the effect these illegal rentals have had on home prices over the last 5 years. I have heard from many of these slumlords who openly admit that they have paid high prices for these home only because they knew they could cover thr mortgage with the $3000 a month they are getting from these tennants. This high rent amount is only possible because they in turn pack 25 people into the house by renting out rooms. Furthemore, these landlords can’t claim innocence about their tennants because obviously anyone paying $3000 for a house in Chesnut is only doing so because he will put 25-30 people in the house.

    I feel bad that Yiden may suffer in their parnassah, however, to many of us residents have suffered for many years now and its time to end it.

  22. “If only our Manhigim would have had the strength needed to stop it in its tracks before it got to these proportions.”

    When large sums of money are given to the yeshiva by many of these landlords do you honestly think they will listen to any of you. It is truly lamentable but not thing one will be done until chas vesholam someone is hurt or worse

  23. Please Y.W editor don’t scold the writers,as you can see this is a very flamatory subject with many points of view.People are upset about whats going on and in their frustration are maybe writing too strongly. However you as the editor just have to delete the things you think are not proper,don’t play a baby game of it you don’t behave i will patch you…

    People who are so incensed should stop writing so much and do something,,what about all the maids that we frum jews are hiring to work in our homes,isn’t that also adding to the problem? Its easy to talk but i don’t think anyone is giving up their household help so soon,
    The blame is on all of us in Lakewood,we are fueling the fire,we are hiring,we are renting, we are buying the properties on Clifton and renting them to Mex stores,,,we are our own worse enemies.

  24. I understand the concern of many of you out there, for the are my concern too. I too live on a block which is suffering from this problem.
    There is one thing which I can’t understand, and as I read the comments it’s bothering me more and more.

    True people are doing things wrong, and we should do something to stop it. But isn’t there the jewish way to stop it. A jew which has a complaint on another jew is supposed to bring the case to a “Rav” or a “Bais Din” and if these complaints have backing then jewish law will rule. If not then we have no right to take action further. Since when do jews take their problems with other jews to non jewish judges??? These landlords may be doing things wrong but they arent people which don’t listen to “bais din”.

    That is the jewish way to deal with issues. Jews don’t go on goisha judges sides when prosecuting another jew. A jew sticks up for a jew in non jewish court, and takes a jew to bais din.

  25. shvitzer;
    very good comments indeed. I agree with you 100%. I do not hire anyone to do anything in my home. My son does all the yard work with me, and I have never, ever had a babysitter for my children. I have never once had outside help with taking care of my household, or my family. And yes, its been very hard, and certainly I would have loved such a luxury. But I have never had it. I don’t mean to say others should not, that would be silly. But I agree that we should try, at all costs, to try and utilize the services of employment centers – legitimate ones – to hire folks when we may be in need of them. I have no need to hire anyone who is legal or illegal. But I’m sure many have such needs.

    If we continue to hire the illegal community, we will continue to allow them to stay and live here – and yes, its a national problem. Not just one here in Lakewood, NJ. But I feel perhaps we can learn from places like Hazelton, PA, and perhaps try some of their methods. I know of many folks who need a place to live – renting to citizens would never be a problem. Of course, you may have to consider lowering those extreme rents folks are getting – but today with the cost of living, and needing two incomes to merely survive, for most families, we have to take this into account. But I would rather have a clean, reliable, trustworthy tenant, than one who may cause me more grief than I can afford…

    I am a renter, and I must share that I do everything for my landlord. I treat his home as if it were my home. I have stripped all the wood floors, which were covered with horrible, old carpeting. At my own cost and time. I have repainted every year, own cost, own time. I have tiled the kitchen, counter area, back splash, and all around the stove. Again, own cost, own time. I’ve redone the bathroom floor three times already in the years I have been here. He doesn’t have to worry about anything with me. Its always clean, quiet, and well taken care of. I show my appreciation to him always. And I am grateful to have a home. When I leave this place, it will be better than when I arrived here. And I also installed hook ups for my washer and dryer – there were none when I moved in. As a tenant, we should take pride in our homes. As a landlord, you should be able to not worry about the home you are renting.

    Please forgive me all, but may I ask a huge favor of each of you? Is there anyway you might find it in your hearts to share what some of the terms you are expressing mean? I’m afraid I don’t understand them all – I would be so grateful to be able to understand fully your comments. I hope its okay to ask of you. For instance, what does “Rav” or “Bais Din” mean? I don’t want to assume and be incorrect.

    thank you all so much,
    humble angel

  26. The problem is that the Poskim have paskened time and again against this way of behavior, and they are being ignored. Ask any Lakewood posik if its ok to rent to goyim, and the answer is NO. They dont even ask if you will be overcrowding! Its NO.
    We live in a generation that dont listen to anyone. As we see again and again that the only way things are worked out is thru the court system. Of course we should back another Jew in public, but if you would ask a certain [Yeshiva] Posik in Lakewood he would tell you that you can be moiser them to the local authorities if they dont listen to you!

  27. take a chill
    as far as I know in ‘some’ cases dayonim said that landlords can be reported becouse that did come or lisen to he rabonim. last weeks case was not one of them. but becouse all of the reports the township got they started comeing down hard on the landlords. Now let us hope that ‘evryone!’ will ‘take a chill’ and all fall into place ‘:leman ha’solom:

  28. I think Humble Angel has a strong point. The illegal community seems to act with impudence a lot more in Lakewood than in other places, such as Brooklyn, where I live. If this is a result of the overinflated prices they are paying for rent causing them to bring in more people to cover the rent, they are only doing so since they realize that their landlords will let them get away with it. In NYC, they fear that a neighbor will call the city (311) and file a qualilty of life complaint against the landlord. Maybe Lakewood should set up a similar system and this will enable the little person to have his voice heard and acted upon.

  29. B”H I live in a “better” neighborhood, but, I hate to see what is happening in Lakewood. It shouldn’t happen anywhere. I personally do not employ outside help, like humble angel we (members of my family) do all our own cleaning, yardwork, repairs etc. I also don’t say this is for everyone, but, we don’t have to hire illegals. There is nothing to be ashamed of in doing housework. I’d sooner hire a Jewish woman to clean than a Shikse. I probably would pay more to have a nice Jewish woman work for me, but, I feel it would be worth it.

  30. about taking jews to bais din instead of to court…..my block had a few houses rented to mexicans by one landlord and we fought valiantly with him and took him to bais din. there was no response to this. the only thing that made him move was when one of the houses had a guy that was wanted for murder and one day in middle of chanukah(all the kids on the block were home and saw) about twenty policeman literally swooped down on the block in backyards etc.. holding ready rifles..they were not able to catch him…the landlord was bombarded with phone calls etc…and some people took pretty nasty actions with him to get hime to wake up..he now rents the houses out to yidin or decent goyim. i guess he’s one of the better ones. about the same time, a house went up for sale on the block and we were watching it to make sure an investor doesn’t buy it. a yid bought it saying he’s going to move in in a few months…he lives in a gorgeous house now and this was a small house so we knew something was up. sure enough a few days later who do we see? a bunch of mexicans. disgusting. we went to a din torah with him (he was willing to go) and the rav paskened that if in 6 months there are still mexicans there, he will have to pay each of the men at the din torah $1,000 a month until they move out. the 6 months were over in June! so he already owes me over $4,000! of course he was lying all along and never had intentions to move in himself. he of course made a mockery of the rav who is among the most choshuv in town. the rav has no ability to chase the guy. if he’s not going to listen…only jail or heavy fines will make him listen. and that is why unfortunately we have to go to court with these type of people!!!!
    i am sick and tired of these mexicans and i would get some trains and ship them all back.
    i do hire a mexican lady because i cannot find decent help anywhere else. if you have phone numbers give them to me. another thing we can do if we still do hire — is to set a very low wage among the frum to only pay lets say $4-5 an hour for cleaning help. $6 an hour for construction. if we will be firm it will work. at least it won’t be an attraction for more of them.

  31. Rabosai,

    Lets set up an association that is “Anti Slumloards”. Anybody interested in setting this up should leave a contact and we should all get together to fight these bad slumloards.

  32. I would pay $10 an hour to get Jewish cleaning help, only B”H I don’t need it right now. It is worth the extra $2 to get ehrliche help.

  33. Chevrah listen up !
    Im so proud everyone is speaking in a very democratic way its healthy .We should continue having this dialogue and also about other important shtut issues,schools,etc.Just one point about the current subject ,the Mayor is doing everything possible to satisfy everyone so give him a break.

  34. A simple solution.

    Lakewood should institute a big property tax rebate (say 50%) for owner occupied houses in lakewood. NYC has a version of this in effect for COOP owners.

    This would put a big dent in the investor market since they would in essence end up paying more of their fair share. Right now frum homeowners are subsidizing the schools for all their tenants thru their property taxes. It’s time the investors pay their fair share.

    I think once the economics work out you will see less houses bought for investment since it will cost more to carry.

  35. opennews:

    You say it didn’t work with a Rav so you think only court will help. Let me introduce you to a little secret called “Bais Din”. It is jewish court. It unfortunate that someone should make a mockery of a Rav, but as you say the Rav can’t do anything if he dosn’t listen. Because a Rav dosn’t have the power Bais Din has. If someone wouldn’t listen to Bais Din he would be chased out of town.

    You wrote a nice story but you didn’t in any way address my point. If you read my comments you will see that I think that it is terrible what some of these landlords are doing. I had one point that a jews go to Bais Din not to court. This langauge you use that he should sit in jail, is words that shouldn’t be comming out of a jewish person. You made it very clear that you didn’t take him to a Bais Din for a Din Torah so I’m not sure why your saying nothing else will work???!!!

    I think what you write at the end about mexican ladies is discusting and sounds very selfish and self centered.

  36. To all my frum neighbors, due to the recent pressure, I will be replacing my immigrant tenants with section 8 (hud) tenants. Vehamavin yavin.

  37. Oh vays mir – You have a very good suggestion about cutting owner occupied taxes in half,I’m all for it, since my taxes just went up $18oo and they were high enough to begin with. Injust don’t seethe township going for this because they would lose a big chunk of revenue.

  38. Varvos, you are obviously some sort of hidden tzaddik whose tzidkus supports the world for the rest of us reshaim who reside in it. the s’char you are amassing boggles the mind and i am sure that all the ehrliche people who are selfish enough to want to live in a peaceful neighborhood will be dripping with envy when they see your chelek in gan eden(?)! please keep up the impressive work you are doing and please inform all your Landlord association members that we are so please to have you all as choshuve members of our humble Kehilla!! Should any of your mussar filled tenants ever get a little less than perfectly happy with you I will be eulegize you as a person who was always concerned about others!!

  39. Basmelech.

    If done correctly the township would not lose any revenue. The taxes collected are the same. It simply allocates a bigger share of the tax to non owner occupied houses. Of course, as the ratio of non-owner occupied houses goes down the rebate would decrease but thats the whole point.

    NY Similer has similer version of this it’s called “STAR Rebate program”. Lakewood just needs a more extreme version of it.

    To put it simple, lets assume lakewood realizes they need a 1.5% tax on home value to fund services. They check and find out the ratio of value of owner occupied houses to the whole. Assume 50% for now (im just using a number). They send out bills using a 2.00% tax rate but give owner occupied houses a 50% rebate so they pay 1.00% and non owner occupied houses pay 2.00%.

  40. To opennews your idea for the frum community paying the mexican goyim only $4 an hour is a great idea. It’s a real kiddush hashem to pay them so little and for all the frum people to spend only about 40% of what they would pay a yid to work. Why should goyim have to make money. Let them have only a little and they will have to stay in these dirty places. And they will certainly see what a wonderful thing being frum is — how it teaches people to take care of others. Of course we wouldn’t hurt a dog — tzaar baalei chaim — but a Mexican goy — great idea. Let’s band together on this. And as for being moisrim — absolutely, we shouldn’t do that. We are as basmelech says ‘erliche yiden’ That’s why would pay erliche help more.

  41. varvos,
    Well, I’m glad that American citizens will be occupying your properties now at least. As far as them being possible Section 8 (HUD), quite frankly, don’t care who they are as long as they don’t destroy my and my family’s quality of life – which as you, I am certainly entitled to.

    My home is my castle, as yours is your castle – I know you would certainly object to others destroying your Holidays, or your Sabbath. Well, we feel the same way. I’m sure you appreciate a clean, quiet neighborhood to reside in. A nice, safe place for your children. Well, so do I.

    I resent anyone thinking that I am not entitled to the same benefits as you are entitled to – And resent when others have referred to me as some kind of “trouble maker” simply because I’m tired of dealing with these situations for years now. I’m only human, I have limits as well.

    When you rent, I have a suggestion; just pretend that whoever you are willing to rent your property to, are the exact kind of people you want to live right next door to you and your family. Then perhaps it would be easier for those of us who are forced to live beside those you select.

    I realize its all about dollar bills; but for once, I’d love to see a landlord who takes more into consideration.


  42. Torah im Derech Eretz (Hebrew תורה ע�? דרך �?רץ – Torah with “the way of the land”) is a philosophy of Orthodox Judaism articulated by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888), which formalizes a relationship between traditionally observant Judaism and the modern world. Some refer to the resultant mode of Orthodox Judaism as Neo-Orthodoxy.

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