The Levaya of R’ Avrohom Mordechai Schecter Z”L is taking place right now (10:30 am) in Queens – at the Schwartz Brothers Chaples located on 76th Road & Queens Blvd. He was the brother of Horav Hagoen R’ Aron Schecter Shlita (Rosh Yeshivas Chaim Berlin) & the brother of R’ Mendel Schecter.
3 Responses
Boruch Dayan Emes. I knew him very well. I worked for him yeasr ago. I’m sorry I could not make it to his levaya, but I guess I’ll bli neder try and be menachem avail his almanah and daughter. I don’t know his son.
anybody know the address of the shiva?
The Rosh Hayeshiva, shlita and R’ Mendel (2 brothers) and R’ Tzvi (a son) will be sitting until Thursday morning at 147-20 72nd drive, Flushing, NY Telephone # 718-261-6121 by DAY and from 9:00-10:30 the Rosh Hayeshiva and R’ Mendel will be sitting at the Rosh Hayeshiva’s house 1141 East 17th Street Brooklyn NY 718-253-3852