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Israel’s Sephardic Rabbi Amar -Stop pride parade

Israel’s Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar called on “Acheinu B’nei Yisroel to oppose the “pride march” scheduled to take place in Yerushalayim in two weeks. “I call on all Jews who are concerned with their own and Israel’s existence and on all Israeli rabbis everywhere to rouse a great protest until this evil parade is cancelled,�? he said in a statement. 

6 Responses

  1. this parade is the ultimate chilul to this holy land. the satan must be truly afraid if he has to bring this level of tumah to our holy land. I wonder what we in america can do besides daven and learn?

  2. Smeel, are you a member of Neturei Karta?! We are worked up because E”Y is a place full of Kedusha regardless of who is in the government. B”H at least we have the opportunity to voice our protest and hope that it changes something. At the least we want the world to know that despite prevailing attitudes of Political Correctness, there comes a point where even our jaded sensibilities are so shocked that we cry out “enough is enough”!!

  3. smeel: you’re right about how it came about but you seem to deny that the land is Eretz Yisroel and is kadosh. According to you it’s fine if there’s no tznius in Geula because it’s a “zionist state” and we can’t expect better. Clarify your remarks.

  4. While I am no Neturai Kartanik or even close, still, the fact remains that the gov’t of Israel has almost always been, especially the last decade or so, a source of force and push to spread tumah in Artzainu Hakadosh. It’s simply a fact. The intifada started the day that Israel was planning on implenting a new plan that buses would run on Shabbos everywhere in Israel. That is just one example of many. And the gay issue in Israel is very old. Rav Avigdor Miller z”l said that the reason the Arabs have been so successful in getting land from Israel is because Israel openly allows gays, while the Arab countries do not. So every bit of holy land that is in the hands of Arabs will not have that to’aivah practiced on it. It is a geder of “visaki ha’aretz eschem,” even though the method is different.

  5. The police are very worried that something close to a cival war can break out. Let’s hope that enough people are bothered by this and show up to demonstrate.
    Those in America can help also thru Tefillah

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