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Tuesday, 12:15PM IL: Swine Flu Confirmed in Eretz Yisrael

ywnisrael.jpgIsrael health officials on Tuesday announced the first confirmed case of swine flu, referring to one of the two males who recently returned from Mexico, who has been hospitalized in isolation.

Tomer Vajim, who began exhibiting signs of the flu following his return from Mexico, was admitted to an isolation bed in the internal medicine department of Laniado Hospital in Netanya. Doctors on Monday called his condition light, adding he was responding to pharmaceutical therapy. Today, Tuesday, Health Ministry officials report the test results confirm that Tamer is indeed infected with swine flu, the first known confirmed case in Israel. A second male who returned from Mexico remains in isolation in a Kfar Saba hospital.

Health Ministry officials have taken their signal from the World Health Organization and have stepped up from level 3 to a level 4 [of 6] operational status, with officials adding in actuality, nothing has changed for citizens. The alert is only relevant to the healthcare system at present, adding the nation’s medical facilities are well prepared for a possible spread of the potentially fatal illness.

Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Avi Yisraeli ordered the move as the nation’s healthcare community cautiously monitors the situation here at home, as well as around the world. It appears the decision to move to a level 4 status was prompted by confirmed reports of swine flu in Switzerland and other areas in Europe.

WHO officials’ have already announced that closing down borders will not stop the spread of the disease, which now appears to be heading to the global level.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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