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Levaya of Rebbetzin Chana Yudkovsky A”H

candle1.gifThe Levaya of Rebbetzin Chana Yudkovskyw A”H, will be held in Bais Yaakov HS at 15th Avenue & 45th Street on Motzei Shabbos @ 8:30pm. The Shiva will be held at 48 Webster Avenue (Between McDonald Ave. & 47th St.) starting Monday Evening. Boruch Dayan Emmes…..

7 Responses

  1. Rebbetzin Chana Yudkovsky A�?H was my teacher @ Bais Yaakov HS. She was an amazing Navi teacher and now more than 20 years later I can still hear her teaching Yeshaya word for word. She had a way of keeping her students interested and we were never bored. Of all the teachers I had there she was the most amazing. She was also my mothers teacher there about 40 or so years ago. I am deeply saddened by her passing. May she be a meilitz yosher for all of us. Yehi Zichrah Boruch.

  2. She was someone truly special. All her students can testify how she valued every moment,and she had such emunah that Moshiach would be here any minute. May she be a meilitz yosher, and may we only hear of simchas.

  3. If any one has a phone number to be able Menachem Aveil.Secondly is all the family sitting together ?
    The Nifteres was a great Tzadeikes,Her teachings were foundation to many Houses of real B’nei Toirah!

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