Rabbi Grunberger updates the St. Louis accident

Again, I thank everyone for their tefilos and efforts to create zechusim for Rafael Dovid and Tehilla.  The achdus, tefilos, learning, and mitzvos in their merit is absolutely working, bli a”h.

Tehilla had her jaw surgery today and the Doctor feels very positive and optimistic.  They didn’t need to wire her jaw as originally thought.  At this point her leg fracture, jaw fractures, and head injuries are healing.  They hope to wean her off the respirator tomorrow and hopefully she’ll respond in the best way that can be expected.  We daven for a COMPLETE recovery and that she’ll have no limitations or consequences from the injuries.  The Doctors have no way of saying for sure but are very optimistic based on the xrays and CT scan, B”H. The tefilos will make the difference.

Rafael Dovid has been stable for the last 48 hours.  They now hope to start weaning him off the different medications.  Today they started giving him little doses of nutrition.  He’s still in very critical condition but it’s like an official turning point for the better, B”H.

The next 3 days will be very telling and as he continues to respond positively with stability, they will wean him off the respirator as well.  As the swelling around the brain subsides, they will then try to assess the impact of the injury.  Here too, it’s all in HaShem’s Hands and we daven that he will come through with no deficits, limitations, or handicaps but with a refuah shelaima.

Elisha is BE”H coming home tomorrow morning.  He’s in good spirits.  He has a broken thumb and clavicle along with his impressive gash on his left forehead. Visitors are allowed to speak with him between innings during the playoffs.  He’ll be coaching Pujols after school hours and wants to retire LaRoussa and take over. (may this be the only affect of his head injury).  He’s turning 12 in a few days and will continue all his various extra learning projects to make siyumim during the year and for his Bar Mitzvah.

Chaim (Eliyahu Chaim- age 9) is healing.  He’s confined to a wheel chair for a while and then back to crutches.  His fracture should be healed in 6 weeks, be”H.  He has memorized 121 mitzvos (Sefer Madah, Ahava and Zemanim) which we reviewed today.  The plan is for him to hopefully return to school tomorrow for at least part of the day.

Aviva (15) returned to school today for a few hours.  She’s doing well.

We deeply appreciate HaShem’s kindness in answering the outcry of the many tefilos around the world.  The chapters of the “master plan” can play out in any number of ways.  We thank HaShem and continue to daven that this chapter and the chapters to follow will be filled with joy, yeshuos, nechamos, and clearly evident of the Yad HaShem in every detail that goes on around us.

With deep appreciation to HaShem and to everyone,

Elazar Grunberger.

The names to daven for are:
Tehilla bas Bracha
Elisha ben Bracha
Eliyahu Chaim ben Bracha
Aviva Rochel bas Bracha
Refael Dovid ben Bracha (FORMERLY Dovid ben Bracha)
(Rabbi) Elazar Yitzchok ben Zlata Faiga

2 Responses

  1. An even bette update: baruch Hashem the Grunberger’s daughter (not invovled in the accident) became a kallah today!! Mazel tov!!! May we continue to hear only besuros tovos!!

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