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Operation Cast Lead 2?

IDF Homefront Commander Major-General Yair Golan on Sunday stated that while another Operation Cast Lead is an unwanted reality, it is not to be unexpected due to current realities.

Speaking to a Tel Aviv audience, the senior IDF commander explained “we are also preparing for other confrontations including Iran, Lebanon and Syria. We must prepare for all future eventualities”.

Golan told the participants of the security research forum that the lessons of the IDF counter-terror offensive were learned, stating for one thing, the rocket threat from Gaza is viewed as a minimal threat compared to missile threats from other nations such as Syria and Iran.

Golan confirmed that budgetary constraints resulted in delays in renewing the personal protection gas mask kits, stating optimistically that new budgetary realities in the coming fiscal year indicate the program will move forward. The kits he explained compose a significant component of citizen defense against existing threats.

On the eve of launching the operation, Israel was well prepared for rocket attacks up to the 30 kilometer range from Gaza, adding the prepatory efforts did reach Beersheva, teaching us the “siren era” is not yet behind us. The lessons include additional sirens, one every 700 meters, to eliminate areas in which residents do not hear the warning of incoming rockets. The system is also going to be upgraded, proving internet and cellular telephone warnings, with NIS tens of millions allocated towards achieving this goal.

Regarding allegations from some IDF soldiers of inappropriate behavior (, Golan defended the IDF and its high standard of morality, stating some of the soldiers’ reports contain exaggerations.

“When soldiers entered Gaza they had clear orders and instructions, to differentiate between those involved and uninvolved, and exceptions will be investigated. Nevertheless, we must remember just who chose the battlefield, Hamas, not us.”

Golan further explained that to date, sirens around the country were only checked on Memorial Day and Holocaust Remembrance Day, but now, this is not the case and testing is ongoing all around Israel. He drew a comparison to France, where sirens are tested on the fourth day of every month, explaining if the French can reach this level of testing and preparedness, Israel must do the same. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


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