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NYC – Neturei Karta meeting the Iranian Hitler today

IMG_4646.jpg(This picture was taken yesterday by the YW photographer at the UN protest) Click HERE if your interested in watching today’s meeting between Neturei Karta and Hitler  Ahmadinejad. He clearly states that “Israel is coming to an end”. The sickest part is when “Rabbi” Yisroel Weiss is seen embracing and kissing the arch terrosist……..YW Editor.

17 Responses

  1. Neturei Karta must not read Megillat Esther. Persia is our last known location of Amalek, when we hung Haman and his sons, we left surviors.

    Today, given the facts as they are, I would say we are looking at a present day Haman. Neturei Karta is enjoying the party, as some of our ancestors did in the time of Haman.

    They have not learned the lessons of the past, a real BUSHA on them. H”B gives us so much information and they keep skipping pages, they want to find out what happens at the END OF DAYS with paying any attention to what will happen between now and then.

    May H’B protect us and deliver us from those who do not understand and chase after a Haman

    They should also come to understand while many do not agree with a secular Israel, the fact is Israel DOES exist and any thing said against Israel only endangers Jewish Lives, and to endanger another Jew is cleary a violation of our Holy Torah.

  2. You want them taken down?


    There MUST be a letter signed by EVERY SINGLE Rov, Rosh Yeshiva Rebbe, Rabbi etc.. that we don’t support them and they not associated with “Jews”.
    Any Rov, Rebbe etc who does NOT sign it, means that they SUPPORT them. If you support them then you ARE them.

    Like President Bush said “Either your with the terrorists, or against them If you harbor them then you ARE a terrorist, PERIOD.

    In addition: A massive organization MUST be formed ASAP to counter these animals. At EACH event that they show up to, there must be 500 people counter-demonstrating.

    The MEDIA: These guys get onto ALL major TV stations during prime time, have radio interviews on the largest networks and are in the newspapers and Internet across the world making statements DAILY. (I’m SURE that the Rabbonim DON’T know this!!!)

    A spokesman who represents the Organization should get onto all the News Networks INCLUDING Al Jazeera (which they are on all the time) & tell the world that these people don’t represent us at all.

    That’s how these Jew Haters AKA Neturei Karta MUST be dealt with.

    One last thing……why don’t they all just move to Tehran? No one will miss them. I promise.

  3. Ahmadinejad is probably a PHYSICAL descendant of Amalek and a relative of Haman ymach shmo (if I am correct that not all of Haman’s relatives were killed off)! How any Jew can visit this tzoirer is beyond me. He should swing from a 50 amos tree – with Weiss, Beck or perhaps the eminently ludicrous Moshe Aryeh Friedman of Vienna attached to him so that there is enough weight to keep the two of them from swaying!

    From what I understand, these Ku Klux Karta members are in cherem in various communities including Satmar and most of the kanoi communities in Mea Shearim (Toldos Aharon, Toldos AY, Dushinsky etc); the problem is that the media picks up on these idiots because journalists love “man bites dog” stories. I have heard a comment second hand that one of these losers is “not even important enough to be put in cherem”; that is what even the kanoim think of them.

    Reb Amram Bloy ZYA is TURNING IN HIS KEVER at the abuse of the name Neturei Karta by these silly immature children who either do this to get attention, or are on the PAYROLL of the Iranian Amalek and his Hamas minions. Reb Yoilish (Satmarer Rov) ZYA had no use for them either.

  4. dear editor. your idea to counter attack is to set up our own org. to get on tv and radio. i dont think that will work. i agree with itzik. the media or TABLOIDS need the juicy story. the jew vs. the jew. teaming with terrorists etc. they dont want some lame guy on the news… ratings!
    my idea is to phiysically take these reshaim and not let them leave the mikva this erev rosh hashana!

  5. this is a good way to do teshuvah on erev yim tov i agree with the preveious comments and hope they find themseles quickley or else we will have to find them and thet wont be pretty. dont forget these are satmar chasidim cant there rebbe do anything.hope to hear good news and all should have a good sweet year

  6. The reporter says at the end of the clip “Ahmadinejad was so pleased with their comments that he invited them to come visit him in Tehran”.

    May they go in peace and return in pieces….

  7. The problem here is too many bnei torah have, to an extent, bitten the zionist candy. The NK (USA) is over the top usually. They even met Arafat Y”S who has much Jewish blood on his dirty hands. Obviously what they (NK) are trying to do, is to go to the other extreme. This is certainly wrong. But we must look at ourselves and realize our errors in participating in zionist institutions (i.e. taking their dirty money–as we see now with their taking money away that we should never have accepted in the first place.)

    I don’t believe we can counter their media attention, as the media has an ample supply of “pro” camps. It is the “anti” camps that will hit the airwaves. This is a fact of life.

  8. I don’t understand how they deal with his denial of the holocaust?

    Does anyone know what they served for lunch?

    Weiss “vintched on” Ahmadinejad a nice bracha.

  9. Did the other days protest, that Agudah participated in, accomplish anything? It was not covered anywhere in the mainstream. Period. Even if it would have been… would the Iranian leader have changed his views? Would it make anyone who supports Iran change their mind? Protests don’t change views. And Iran’s view are well known. Additional attention doesn’t add anything. It was all a feel-good rally for people to say “I’m doing something.” Nothing more.

  10. They should be encouraged to shave their beards. This way when they appear in public, it won’t look like they represent ultra-prthodox jews.

  11. You do not need to agree with NK. But before you clobber them, try to understand them.

    The way I understand it is that they are trying to win favor of the Arabs by showing them “True Torah Jews” do not agree with the ZIONIST state and therefore Arabs should not have a hatred toward ALL Jews. This way they can save Jewish lives by pleading with Arabs (and their terrorist affiliations) not to kill the innocent “Torah Jews” who oppose the ZIONIST state as much as they do.

    Unlike what the ZIONISTS did in WWII and came out with a message that the Jews are declaring war on Hitler, these NK are trying to show the Arabs they are willing to work with them toward a peaceful dismantling of the state, or EVEN a separate state for Palestinians and Anti-ZIONISTS.

    The Koran speaks about 2 types of Jews, those you can not trust with a penny and those you can trust with a treasure, more than an Arab brother. The Arabs believe in this because its their bible.

    In theory, what is wrong with someone trying to make peace with the Arabs instead of always fighting them. Fighting them we see doesn’t work.

    If NK will be successful is doubtful, but maybe they feel the need to go to these extremes in the saving of Jewsih lives. Why do so many people judge them?

    Most people hate NK because they are Anti-ZIONIST and they are in the media. Satmar is also Anti-ZIONIST but they do not get the coverage becasue they dont go meet with Arab officials.

    Agree or disagree, but first understand.

    Also maybe you know someone part of NK that is a low-life. Does that mean the entire organization is full of these? Does it mean that the NK mission is wrong? We all have to work on ourselves. You may have a ZIONIST with good middos. I woudl still favor an Anti-ZIONIST with bad middos. Because a person with bad middos can work on himself. A ZIONIST can almost never do Tshuva. Like the Satmar Rebbe ZT”L said “Kol Ba’Eyha Lo Yeshuvun!”

    Nuff said.

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