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Help protest the Iranian President’s upcoming speech

Received via email: On Friday, Rosh Hashana, The Iranian President, the same guy who not only calls for the elimination of the state of Israel, is supporting/arming and also gave the instruction to start the recent war in Lebanon (in which 12,000 rockets fell on Israeli / Jewish and Arabs citizens), & has denied that the Holocaust ever existed – has been awarded to speak in the name of FREE SPEECH by the Dean of the School of International Public Affairs, Ms. Lisa Anderson of Columbia University & with the support of Mr. Bollinger the President of the University.

No Jews can attend, mind you…
What next? Interview with Hitler on Yom Kippur, on his academic successes and failures?
Call  to protest NOW!!!
Lisa Anderson: 212-854-4604 or fax 212-864-4847 (fax)
Mr. Bollinger phone: 212.854.9970, fax: 212.854.9973
Contact Alumni Relations Office: 212-854-8671

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