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Uman, Uman, Rosh Hashanah!

nanach.jpgClose to 22,000 Yidden are converging in Uman, Ukraine at the Kever of R’ Nachman M’Breslov Z”YA for Rosh Hashanah.

Before Rebbe Nachman passed away, he called for two of his closest followers, Rabbi Aharon, the Rov of Breslov, and Rabbi Naftali of Nemerov, and asked them to act as witnesses for an unusual vow. He proclaimed, “If someone comes to my Kever, gives a coin to Tzedakah and says these ten Prokim of Tehillim (the Tikkun Haklali), I will pull him out from the depths of Gehinnom. It makes no difference what he did until that day, but from that day on, he must take upon himself not to return to his foolish ways”.–YW Editor.

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