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Meah Shearim – ‘Gilgul Dog’?

dog11.jpgdog2.jpgdog3.jpgYesterday Yeshivaworld reported the death of R’ Horav Nachman Dov Dubinky who lived in Batei Natan and was Niftar on Shabbos. Apparently there are various rumors traveling around Frum communities regarding a dog which showed up at the house of the Niftar and refused to leave. Yeshivaworld cannot confirm any of the stories which are floating around. There is one “version�? that R’ Meir Bransdorfer sent a Minyan back to the Kever to say Tehillim, learn Mishnayos & say Kaddish. At the same time that they were saying Kaddish at the Kever, the dog apparently ran away!!–YW Editor.

4 Responses

  1. Not so sure. I had a chavrusah in The Mir who was a talmid of R’ Dovid Pavarsky z’tzal from Yeshivas Ponovez. He once related a story of an animal (I can’t recall if it was a dog or cat) who followed R’ Dovid back and forth to Yeshiva every day. After a number of days R’ Dovid turned to the animal and said “machul lach, machul lach, machul lach” and the animal left, never to be seen again.
    You never know, stories like these do happen.

  2. Maybe this tzaddik took pity on this dog and fed it, and it’s coming back for more. Maybe it’s that simple. Many gedolim were known to be very sensitive to animals.

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