Hamas Seeking to Strike Out to Save Face

Cabinet Secretary Oveid Yechezkel briefed reporters following a report received by the cabinet from ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin and Chief of Military Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin on Sunday. The two are in agreement, explaining the Hamas leadership in Gaza has sustained a major blow, well exceeding the expected Israeli response. Nevertheless, “they will not wave a white flag”, the two senior officials stated. Yechezkel explained the information he was sharing with the media was selected by the security officials, clearing portions of the comprehensive briefing received by cabinet ministers for publicity.

He went on to explain that Hamas underestimated Israel and made three strategic errors, underestimating the endurance of the Israeli homefront, not predicting the IDF would send ground forces into Gaza, and overestimating the response of the Arab and international community, which did not provide Hamas with the anticipated backing.

The IDF operation has rendered the current Hamas regime non-functional, and even the terror organization’s military faction is having difficulties after the complex tunnel system along Philadelphi Road was destroyed by the air force.

Yadlin warned however that Hamas is seeking a “victory” that will permit it to end the war, and towards this goal the terror entity sees several possibilities, including the kidnapping of soldiers or a major blow to soldiers operating in Gaza chas v’sholom or a major rocket strike in Israel’s homefront. Yadlin explained the terrorists still have the ability for such attacks.

Diskin explained that Hamas is having difficulty at home as well, with the Gaza population blaming its leadership for bringing this disaster upon them. “Hamas leaders are hiding out in bunkers and in hospitals” he explained, adding recent statements released by Hamas leaders were recorded. Diskin also explained that leaders of the military faction are taking much of the humanitarian aid reaching Gaza and distributing it to their supporters. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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