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Boro Park – Mashgichim write letters regarding Netzach Meat store

netzachnew1.jpgnetzachnew2.jpg[Click on these images to ENLARGE them.] These letters were written by the Nirbater Rov Shlita and R’ Gavriel Zinner Shlita (Mechaber Seforim Nitei Gavriel) reaffirming their strict certification of Netzach Yisroel Butcher (5010 16th Avenue). They write that the key to the store is in the hands of the Masgiach Temidi and NOT the store owner. They state that the meat and chicken is Kosher Le’mehadrin Min Hamehadrin.–YW Editor.

3 Responses

  1. Wow! I hope people stop spreading rumors about Netzach now that it has been substantiated that the owners do not have the key to the fridge and everything is 100% ok.

  2. The letter from Rav Tzinner says the key is also in his posession, and the letter from the Nirbater says only the Mashgiach has it.

    I guess the Nirbater’s mashgiach has it, and also R’ Tzinner.

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