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Cleveland – Visit from the Novaminsker Rebbe

novaminsk2.jpgThe Novominsker Rebbe came to visit Cleveland for less than a day. It seems that there were two primary goals. One was to comfort and be Mechazek the Kohn family where he spent some of the afternoon there with  them.

His second purpose was a Kinus L’chizuk to the community. The Rebbe spoke to the Pirchei boys first and told them that Teshuva is always connected to Torah ‘Hashiveinu Avinu L’sorosecha’ and he expects all the boys to aim for Gadlus in Torah.

The Rebbe Shlit”a then went to Mosdos Ohr HaTorah where a packed crowd of men and women came to be Mekabel Ponim and hear Divrei Chizuk. Some of the key points were that when a community as a Tzibbur is Mechuzak, that is the biggest Aliyah for a Neshoma who is the cause for this Aliyas Ruchani and a tremendous source of comfort for the family.

He stated that he wanted to speak about simple things which everywhere need Tikun. He mentioned that with all the tragedies that have transpired throughout the Torahdike world in the last few months, it is unnatural and not the regular Darkei Hachaim. We must act and take Mussar from it. He spoke about how difficult the Inyon of Kedusha is in America nowadays and how careful we must be, especially not to bring Tumah into our houses. He stressed that Tefillah must be not only as a fulfillment of a Mitzva, but rather as a means to get closer to Hashem and it must show.

The Rebbe went on to say over the Vort from the Meor Veshemesh that Hanistoros LaHashem, when one is by himself with Hashem then he can be a Nistar, however when it is relevant to Lonu U’lvaneinu – our children, then it is Haniglos, it must be in the open revealed, they must see from their parents how to live like a true Yid, V’chay Bahem.

He stressed a Meshech Chochma that explains the distinction in the Pesukim between Parshas Mishpotim where it says Sonacha – your enemy and in Ki Seitzei it states Achicha – your brother. Before the Chet H’aegel, everyone was Mamleches Kohanim V’goy Kodosh and there could have been a Rasha who it was permitted to hate, however after the Agel when one sees a Rasha he must contemplate about himself , for he is not so far apart and you must give the benefit of the doubt.

We don’t know Hashem’s methods but one day Bayom Hahu we will say Hashem Echod and recite the Hatov Vehametiv. The Tzlach explains that retroactively we will realize that everything was for the Toeles of Klal Yisroel. He gave a special Brocha to the family, the community and to all of klal Yisroel.

After the kinus The Rebbe drove out to the Telz Yeshiva and paid a visit to the Rosh Yeshiva, Reb Chaim Stein Shlita.

(Article submitted by Yeshivaworlds Cleveland correspondent, Aneinu.)

One Response

  1. It is worthy to note that this KINNUS was sponsored by KOLLEL ATERES CHAIM BORUCH of Cleveland Heights, OH. This is the Kollel where R’ Menachem Kohn ZT’L was a full time member. The Kollel brought in the Noviminsker REBBE SHLIT’A to be mechazak the city which is still all shaken up from this terrible tragedy. His words were very inspiring. Yasher Koiach to RDG for arranging this kinnus. It should be an Aliyah for the niftar’s Neshomo.

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