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Toronto Hatzolah to conduct massive search

As Yeshivaworld has been reporting, the? search for Eli Horowitz? who ? remains missing in North Bay continues. At this time, Toronto Hatzolah? is trying to organize a large-scale ground search for this coming Sunday (September 10, 2006). Hatzoloh will arrange for a bus to transport volunteers to and from North Bay. There will be minyan and a search briefing on the bus.
Volunteers should bring comfortable shoes, food, water, a change of clothing and should be in good health.

If you, or anyone you know, are available to volunteer, please call
the Hatzoloh office as soon as possible at (416) 398-2300.

If you are unavailable to help out, please help out by saying Tehillim for Avrohom Elimelech ben Devorah.YW Editor.

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