hatzlocholetter1.jpg Click on image to ENLARGE it ALL MEAT AND CHICKEN THAT WAS PURCHASED FROM HATZLOCHA GROCERY IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS CAN NOT BE EATEN. There will be a major P’sak Halacha issued on Sunday as what should be done with all Keilim in your homes. (Sinks, counters, pots etc.)–YW Editor.

7 Responses

  1. Why was there no mashgiach Temidi????

    Who can give a Hechsher without a Mashgiach why would any Rov trust the store owner just because he is frum……..

  2. You should correct your post to read “ALL MEAT AND CHICKEN THAT WAS PURCHASED FROM __Shevach Meats__ in HATZLOCHA GROCERY…”

    That’s what the letter says. I don’t know whether Hatzlocha sells other meats, but it’s conceivable that they do.

  3. Just reminding the frum public about the halacha prohibiting us from judging someone before knowing details. Especially since there is no psak on it yet.

  4. Monsey is having a hard time now, and I would assume the butcher and his family are also.
    This is not something which was done on purpose to hurt the community chv, this was a mistake, the same way others make mistakes in their lives.
    Though the blame is still there.. Let’s find out the psak.. And implement guidelines that such a problem should never happen again in any stores.

  5. Very well said!
    I just want to remind my readers that I will not be publishing the comments (all 142 of them) that are borderline Lashon Horah.

    I am in touch with various Rabbonim in Monsey & as soon as there is a concrete P’sak Halacha issued, it will be published on Yeshivaworld.

    YW Editor.

  6. “borderline Lashon Horah” — I assume you mean on either side of the border. Tizkeh L’mitzvos for taking a responsible approach!

  7. This is a terrible story what we all must learn from this is no buying from stores without a hechser. It’s not a 100% guarantee but it’s the least we can do.

    I know of so many stores in the heart of Yerushalayim that don’t have any hechser whatsoever. People flock to these stores in the dozens. I once asked some people if they know that their’s NO hechser they didn’t even believe it!!!!!!

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