High Court Orders Bet HaShalom Evacuated Within 3 Days

court hammer3.jpgThe Supreme Court on Sunday rejected a petition filed by Chevron’s Jewish community seeking to prevent the eviction of residents of Bet HaShalom. The court denied the petition, clearing the way for the eviction of the tenants in the coming days.

Chevron officials have presented documents proving their legally purchased the home, in which 20 families moved about two years ago, but the Arab who made the sale now denies the legitimacy of the sale and accompanying documents.

The Chevron Jewish community was ordered to pay NIS 15,000 in court fees and the residents have three days to vacate before the state will be permitted to move in and remove them forcibly.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. S’dom is being kind. The judgement comes down before the case is considered! I visited these heroes during Chol Hamoed. They are the real chalutzim. They are living under extremely harsh conditions. The Israeli government refuses to hook them up to the electrical grid and for months allowed them to freeze by banning windows. As a result, they are spending nearly $20,000 a month for fuel for generators just to provide heat and electricity. How is it that this same government sees fit to provide electricity to our sworn enemies in Gaza who use it to make missiles to fire at us? Something is wrong with this picture. Vnapoch hu! I hope this is the last gasp of the Eruv Rav who in their blind hatred make it difficult for Jews to live in Eretz Yisrael. Real peace means “the territories” would not be Judenrein. It’s not Shalom Achshav, but Chas V’shalom achshov.

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