Heine Mondrowitz Z”L – Laid to rest

Toronto – The Levaya for Heine Mondrowitz, the 56 year old who was found dead after missing for a few days on a fishing trip was yesterday at 4:00 in Steeles Memorial Chapel. Rav Shloma Miller (Rosh Kollel Lakewood Kollel) and Rav Moshe Mordechai Lowy (Rov of the Aguda) and other Rabbonim were in attendance. The Kevurah was at Pardes Shalom. The nifter davened at Chabad of Richmond Hill but the Rov (Rabbi Mendle Burnstein) was out of town at a shloishim for his own shver. Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg who knew the family was masped as well as the niftars brother in law Ren Shaul Charendorff from Engelwood NJ, and the niftar’s son Yona.

May he be a Maylitz Yosher for his family and Klal Yisroel.

(There is still no word on Eli Horowitz, the other missing Yungerman.)

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