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Eretz Yisroel Motzei Shabbos News Roundup

yw_israel3.jpg** Three Jews were injured in rock-throwing attacks on Shabbos in Akko. 12 people were arrested, mostly Jews, who insist they did nothing as riots renew in the racially divided city.

** Three border policemen were injured by teargas in the Na’alin command post as a result of malfunction on Shabbos. One sustained moderate injuries and two light. An MDA ambulance responded.

** IDF soldiers operating in Beit Omer were bombarded with rocks, compelling them to respond with riot-control adjuncts. There were no injuries to IDF soldiers. One Arab was reportedly injured and transported to a Chevron hospital.

** Galil District Fire Officer Shmulik Franco that two apartment fires were extinguished on Shabbos in Akko. Officials suspect arson, perhaps connected to the city’s racial riots that began on Yom Kippur.

** In what appears to be an expansion of racial rioting, Israeli Arabs in the Um el-Fahm area took to the streets blocking Highway 65, the major north-south route, while waving PLO flags. Police did not intervene.

** Two terrorists were killed when a weapons smuggling tunnel collapsed in Gaza.

** A border police jeep flipped near Kfar Giladi injuring three, one moderately. An investigation was ordered.

** A firebomb was hurled at the community of Bet El in Shomron on Shabbos, landing near the perimeter fence. There were no reports of injuries or damage.

** Firefighters in Kiryat Malachi on Shabbos dealt with a hazardous materials leak in the city. There were no injuries.

** MDA spokesman Miki Kafri reports a 20-year-old was stabbed in his thigh on Carol Street in Petach Tikvah. He was transported to Sharon Hospital in light condition. The motive for the stabbing is not mentioned in the report.

** Fire Department spokesman Boaz Rakia reports an expensive parrot became entangled in a tree in Givatayim. Firemen were called. The expensive pet was successfully rescued without incident.

** Fire Department official Oren Shashistzky reports units responded to a Rosh HaAyin blaze on Shabbos. A 70-year-old male was treated for smoke inhalation. His condition was reported as light.

** A serious vehicular accident was reported at the Glilot Interchange of the Coastal Road on Shabbos. Persons were trapped in vehicles. One victim was reported in serious condition. The victims were transported to Beilinson and Ichilov Hospitals.

** A major forest fire was reported on Shabbos in Megiddo Forest in the Jezreel Valley district. No injuries were reported. Officials are investigating possible arson.

** In a criminal and not nationalistic incident, gunfire was directed at a vehicle occupied by two male Arabs and two female Jews on Highway 6 (Rabin Hwy) near Nitzanei Oz. the couple in the rear was seriously injured by gunfire and transported to Hillel Yafeh Hospital in Chadera.

** Netanya: In a dispute at Independence Square in the city, a Taibeh man stabbed and wounded another Arab man. The suspect was placed in custody. The victim was reported in light condition.

** A child fell from a height on Givat Pinchas Street in Bnei Brak on Shabbos sustaining moderate injuries. He was transported to Sheba Medical Center.

** Three youths who were on the shore in Kiryat Chaim were stabbed on Shabbos. The motive is unclear police report. Two of the victims were transported to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. The third victim did not require medical attention.

** A serious vehicular accident was reported in the north near Kibbutz Ne’ot Mordechai. Four victims were in light-to-moderate condition, transported to Rebecca Ziff Hospital in Tzfas. The fifth victim, reported in serious condition, was transported by helicopter to the trauma unit of Rambam Medical Center in Haifa.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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