America Approves Bunker-Busting Bombs for Israel

iaf strike1.jpgAmerican officials have decided to sell 1,000 Guided Bomb Unit-39 “bunker-busting bombs” to Israel, a move viewed by many as a major step in the preparation for an aerial assault against Iran.

The bombs are state-of-the-art, extremely lightweight, 113kg each, but they carry a punch capable of wiping out underground fortifications like the Iranian nuclear facilities. Their weight permit fighter jets to arm with several of the bombs in each sortie. The cost of each bomb is estimated at $70,000-$90,000.

While America has publicly opposed an Israel assault against Iran, there is speculation that the White House is indeed giving approval behind the scenes and would permit Israeli fighter planes to utilize aerial lanes over Iraq on their way to and from Iran. Some believe that President George W. Bush may authorize an Israeli attack prior to stepping down from office.

Iranian officials continue to warn Israel, the United States and Western countries that any attack would be met with a most painful retaliation. Intelligence experts in Israel report that undoubtedly, an Israeli offensive against Iran would result in a counter-attack to the homefront, which would result in causalities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Although I’m happy that the United States is cooperating with Israel in it’s need to possibly strike out against Iran, I question the need for YWN to publish this story. Israel has more than enough enemies on several fronts and I can’t see letting any or all of them in on what may be coming. Except for a small amount of lunatics out there in the Jewish world I think we can all agree that Israel’s survival is paramount.

  2. I say that there aren’t enough bunker busting bombs to drop on Tehran, Iran. Maybe the U.S. can spare some so that the Israelis can drop them on Syria, Saudia Arabia, and anyone else who has declared themselves enemies of Israel.

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