Mir Rosh Yeshiva Taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital

ntf.jpgThe Mir Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Shlita, was transported to Yerushalayim’s Shaare Zedek Hospital on Monday after he complained of “not feeling well”. Apparently, the Rosh Yeshiva suffered a choking incident, which may have precipitated his not feeling well.

The Rosh Yeshiva was transported in a paramedic unit, reportedly in light condition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. As the Rosh Yeshivas Mir SHLIT”A is always in pain due to Parkinson’s (Lo Aleinu), we should always Daven for him in Birchas Refaeinu: HaRav Nossn Tzvi Ben Sara Etta.

    Knowing him and aware of his Harbotzas HaTorah to over 5,000 Talmidim — Kein Yirbu — in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh, in the largest Yeshiva in the world, I am convinced that his Refuah Shleima will come very soon with the Bias Goel Tzedek, BiMeheira VeYameinu Amen.

  2. The Chesed of the Mirer Rosh Yeshiva SHLIT”A and his concern for the welfare of his Talmidim are legendary.

    In spite of his illness and the constant severe pain (Lo Aleinu) and his numerous obligations, he:
    – regularly invites Talmidim to his home for Shmussin in Torah and other matters.
    – meets with businessmen and encourages them to provide Diros at low rates for the thousands of Yungeleit in Mir.

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