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Shul in Norway gets vandalized

ATP: On Saturday evening a man defecated on the steps of Oslo’s synagogue, then smashed two windows there.“He did his business on the steps, went next door and found stones, came back and threw stones at the windows, went next door and found more stones and came back and threw some more,” Anne Sender, director of The Mosaic Religious Community (DMT), told

The entire incident was immortalized by the synagogue’s security cameras. No one was in the building at the time, but neighbors quickly summoned police. When they arrived the culprit had vanished.

After the incident the DMT has expressed a wish for extra protection of the synagogue, Sender said. She believes that this is especially important in these days, when Jews in Norway feels particularly exposed.

“This is both psychological and quite real,” Sender said.

“There was a very concrete example a few weeks ago. At the same time it is important not to exaggerate. Most Norwegians do not hate Jews. But we cannot protect ourselves from this unprovoked violence, even though we try,” Sender said.

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