Lakewood – Missionary WARNING!!!!

I have just received numerous emails with people advising me to warn the? Lakewood Community that the group of Missionary’s that sent out those DVD’s a while ago are making “follow-up” calls to Lakewood residents. They are identifying themselves as “YIMOS HAMOSHIACH”. PLEASE BEWARE!!! ADVISE YOUR CHILDREN NOT TO ENGAGE IN ANY CONVERSATION WITH THESE THUGS!!–YW Editor.

3 Responses

  1. freind in Lakewood just got a call from one! He said his name is Ehud Cohen and he was calling from Colorado code 702 and speeks perfect Ivrit because he told him “laich lazazel” and he answerd back in perfct Ivrit!!

  2. Websters definition of thug
    Main Entry: thug
    Pronunciation: ‘th&g
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Hindi & Urdu thag, literally, thief
    : a brutal ruffian or assassin : GANGSTER, TOUGH

    i’m thinking that if you need a word “apikorsim” is the best one to use

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