ISRAEL AT WAR [Tuesday 7/25/06]

(This will be updated as the news comes across the wire, & remember that the times are Israeli times.)?

10:00 pm: The city of Naharyia was just hit by 20+ Katushya rockets causing approximately 20 injuries.?

9:32 pm:? Hizbullah rockets have just struck Chaifa and the Galilee again several minutes ago, causing damage but no injuries.8:18 pm: One person has been lightly hurt in a Katyusha strike near Ma`alot.? ?

5:57 pm: A rocket attack on the city of Akko was just reported. There are B”H no injuries being reported.?

5:00 pm: Seven massive bombs were just dropped in? downtown Beirut by the IAF a few minutes ago. [This is the first air strike? in Beirut in two days.]?

4:49 pm: Three rockets have landed in the area of Nahryia. There are B”H no injuries.?

4:47 pm: The area of Kibbutz Shlomi was just hit by a barrage of Katushya rockets.?

3:40 pm: Rockets have just struck open areas in Tzefas & Hatzor.

3:00 pm: The Druz village of Marar near Tevereya was struck a short while ago killing a 15 year old girl? & wounding numerous others. There is a report of a Mosque being hit as well.

1:33 pm: The cities of Maalot and Akko? are under attack? A/T/T with Katushya? rockets raining down on them.?

1:30 pm: In the past hour numerous rockets have struck Chaifa, Maalot, & Naharyia.? MADA is treating dozens of people with various injuries. An eight story apartment building was directly hit as was a restaurant.

12:52 pm: Seven rockets have just hit Kiryat Shemonah. No Injuries.

12:15 pm:? A Katushya rocket has scored a direct hit on a home in Naharyia. There are no injuries being reported A/T/T.

10:40 am: Rockets have just struck Naharyia, & Shafaram.?

10:00 am: A Kassam rocket has just slammed into a warehouse in the city of Amioz in the Western Negev. A large fire is being reported & one person has suffered moderate injuries.

8:59 am: Katushya rockets have just hit Tzefas.

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