Tradgedy in the Catskills!!

Tradgedy struck in the Catskills late last evening when the Spinka Rebbitzen was killed in a tragic car accident on Route 17 at Exit 109. The Spinka Rebbe was taken by Medevac/Helicopter to Westchester/Valhalla Hospital and is in critical condition. Please keep in mind ????? ?? ???? ??-? ????? ?????. The Levaya will be taking place in Williamsburg at 3:00 pm on Bedford Avenue & Keap Street.

3 Responses

  1. This was emailed to me from a witness of this horrific accident!!

    “I was at the scene of this terrible accident last night. I didnt see the actual accident itself but I witnessed the aftermath and was one of the people that called hatzalah. All I can say is that I was taken aback by the blodd curling screams for help from the driver. he was beside himself. I was and still am concerned about his well being. I was trying to calm him but to no avail, because he was so grief-stricken. he kept saying over and over “ich ken nisht ois haltan!” – (I cant take it). when hatzalah was tending to the rebetzin a’h he was screaming, “the rebba is bleeding, the rebba is bleeding”. I would also like to add; and although hatzalah does not need any endoresments, It was amazing how they calmly, methodicly and professionaly jumped into this terrifying scene and did all they can.”

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