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ISRAEL AT WAR [Sunday 7/23/06]

(This will be updated as the news comes across the wire, & remember that the times are Israeli times.)?

5:30 pm:? An estimated 80 rockets have been fired at northern Israel by late afternoon Sunday.

4:30 pm: Two Kassam rockets have just landed in Southern Israel.?

4:20 pm: Rockets are landing in Katyusha rockets land in? Akko, Carmiel, & Kiryat Shmona A/T/T.

4:15 pm: The residents in the city of Tevereya? just had Katushya rockets rain down on them.?

3:42 pm: A Katyusha has just slammed into a building in the Upper Galilee town of Kiryat Shemona injuring three people.?

3:20 pm:? ? One person was seriously injured several minutes ago in a Katyusha rocket attack in Akko.

3:00 pm:? Kiryat Shemonah just came under Katushya rocket attack.?

12:15 pm: Seven Kassam rockets have been fired into the Negev a short while ago. B”H there were no injuries and/or damage.?

11:06 am: At least five rockets have just hit the Chaifa area. Two people have been killed. Most of the rockets landed in open areas. One rocket exploded near two cars. Another rocket hit a building, and at least three suffered serious wounds.

11:00 am:? Katushya rockets have just hit Carmiel, Zichron Ya’akov and Tzfas, and one person was injured lightly.

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