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IDF targets Hizbullah bunkers

nassralah.jpgINN: Israel Air Force jets demolished a Hizbullah bunker southeast of Beirut late Wednesday night, and intelligence information indicated that the group�s chief terrorist, Hassan Nasrallah, may have been there during the strike.Some 23 tons of explosives were dropped on the bunker as soon as IDF intelligence sources warned army officials that Hizbullah leaders, including Nasrallah, had entered the bunker.

Despite claims by the terror organization that fighter pilots attacked an empty mosque under construction, IDF sources were clear that the mission had been successful. �We know exactly what we hit,� Israel�s Ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman told a CNN reporter. �This was no religious site. It was indeed the headquarters of the Hizbullah leadership.�

IDF sources said the bunker was completely wiped out, leaving only a crater.

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