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ISRAEL AT WAR [Tuesday 7/18/06]

(This will be updated as the news comes across the wire, & remember that the times are Israeli times.)?

11:50 pm: Katushya rockets have struck the Hula Valley.?

10:53 pm: A Katyusha rocket has just exploded in the Western Galilee.

10:50 pm: More then 130 Katushya rockets have landed in Israel today.

10:40 pm: A Kassam rocket has narrowly missed? the home of Ariel Sharon. There were also two additional Kassam rockets fired at Sderot.?

8:39 pm: Kassam rockets have just hit Sderot.7:29 pm: Air raid sirens are ringing in Chaifa at this time.?

7:28 pm: Naharyia has just been struck. Unknown injuries.?

7:00 pm: Over 90? Katushya rockets have thus far been flown into Israel today. There were 36 injured and 1 killed.?

5:17 pm: A person was just killed in a direct strike on a home in Naharyia.

5:16 pm: Two homes in Naharyia? just took direct hits from Katushya rockets.?

5:15 pm: Acre just had 4? rockets land there.

5:14 pm: Carmiel and Ma’alot were just hit.

4:55 pm:? Naharyia, Tzefas, & Chaifa have air? raid sirens going off now.

3:23 pm: One of the Katyusha rockets fell near the Haifa train repair depot, where eight people were killed Sunday morning in a direct hit on the facility. A second missile caused a fire in an open field, which firefighters have controlled.

2:57 pm: Rival Gaza region terrorists bombed the house of a senior Palestinian Authority (PA) security officer a few minutes ago in Gaza City. The officer, Nabil Tammous, was not home at the time, but one of his security guards was seriously wounded.

1:46 pm: A female soldier was stabbed twice at Ruchot Junction near Mitzpe Ramon. After stabbing the soldier, the attacker stole her weapon and drove off. He was apprehended a short while later by the Negev police.

1:42 pm: The city of Teverya was just hit. No casualties and/or damage.?

1:15 pm: The city of Chaifa was struck & four people were injured.

1:02 pm: Katushyas are striking Tzefas at this time.?

1:06 pm:? Katyusha rockets fell Tuesday morning in the northern Israeli communities of Naharia and Shlomi.

1:01 pm: Tzefas was just hit. No injuries, but a building was hit.

12:45 pm: Chaifa was just hit – open areas were struck.?

12:19 pm: Rockets have just struck Tzefas.?

11:55 am: Shloimy was just struck by Katushya’s.

Overnight: [From major news outlets:] The Israel Air Force has hit 50 targets overnight in Lebanon. Buildings in Hizbullah’s stronghold in south Beirut, weapon caches, launching pads and trucks carrying rockets, were on the target list. – Palestinians opened fire at an IDF force operating in Nablus, Ramallah and Qabariya south of Jenin during the night. No injuries or damage were reported in any of the incidents. Additionally, the IDF arrested eight wanted Palestinian suspects across the West Bank during the night.

7:27 am: Two Qassam rockets have landed near Sderot and a foreign worker has sustained light wounds.

5:10 am: A Katyusha rocket has struck Nahariya but? did not explode – no damage reported.

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