Los Angeles: Top Airport Security Expert In Israel To Inspect LAX

ben_gurion.jpgIsrael’s top airport security official will make periodic reviews of anti-terrorist measures at Los Angeles International Airport under an agreement signed Friday by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

The pact, formalizing an arrangement begun nearly two years ago, will send the Israeli official, Nahum Liss, and two colleagues to Los Angeles for regular inspections as $1,000-per-day consultants. The officials work for the authority that operates Ben-Gurion International Airport.

Calling Ben-Gurion the world’s safest airport, Villaraigosa said the agreement “is going to put us in a position to learn . . . to implement state-of-the-art technology and other measures to help us secure our airport.”

Starting in the fall, Liss and his team will visit LAX about twice a year and provide additional consulting by e-mail, officials on both sides said. The team made a preliminary examination of LAX in October 2006.

The deal is part of an effort by city officials to upgrade security at LAX, which is considered the state’s No. 1 terrorist target and has been singled out by the Al Qaeda network.

Several Los Angeles officials said they were impressed by the unobtrusive character of Israel’s airport security and said they want to replicate it.

(Source: LA Times)

9 Responses

  1. wow !! I hope jfk & newerk follow as well….( & dont just stop every normal gay with a bottle of water.. & mean while let an arab gay thru ..)
    its sad..but the yiden that suffer the most from thease AMULEKIM…have them figured out the most !!

  2. #2
    Its amazing you missed the boat hashem sends us messages through these people as reminders all the security in the world wont help just mayby start daveing and you will see this all stop!!!!

  3. #4
    Perhaps you are unaware, but there is a concept we believe in called Hishtadlus. It means that not only do we daven and ask Hashem for help, we also do some work and put in effort to try to obtain what we want through natural means (of course, even when we obtain something through natural means, it is with the help and assistance of Hashem). Maybe some of the security in the world will start helping if people like you put in their Hishtadlus and stop relying on miracles.
    Keep up the great davening!!!

  4. America needs Israel’s intelligence so desperately. I wish all the major politicians would just admit to that fact and stop siding with terrorist murderers.

  5. # 3 & 4
    i was just being a bit optemistic on the scary world out there
    & thanking hashem that B”h sent us the right Shlichim to help us keep the planes safer

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