YN: Were you harassed by beggars asking for tzedaka during your visit to the Western Wall? From now on, beggars and panhandlers will be turned away when they arrive at the popular holy site.Owing to the steep rise in the number of visitors to the Wall over the past year, the presence of beggars at the site increased considerably. Some 300 beggars settled in the area and were hassling visiting tourists.
One beggar even approached a group of tourists from Germany and hurled at them, �You killed our people, now give some money.�
Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch responded to the move: �For the Jewish people, prayer and tzedaka come together. However, the way in which the beggars conducted themselves at the Wall was a desecration.�
2 Responses
Off topic comment but the last time I was at the Kosel I was approached by collectors claiming personal need while sporting rather expensive looking Shtreimelech on top. Maybe it’s just me but it seems the ultimate chutzpah to beg for public support while retaining such items. I should think that simple integrity demands that such expensive hiddurei-mitzvah be sold first BEFORE debasing oneself to begging.
this is to CampRunamok on wat you wrote. I am sure that that man collecting tzedakah was NOT collecting for himself , b/c it is also a mitzvah to collect tzedakah for other ppl who realy dont have money. and obviously wouldnt have such an expensive shtrimel , and i belive the chutzpa is dirrected toward you for judging some1 w/ out knowing them