Emergency Appeal! – Over 10% of Lakewood now relying on Tomchei Shabbos for Pesach

Unfortunately, the negative ripple effects of the Coronavirus pandemic escalate by the hour. In addition to the fast rising numbers in our communities who are in serious medical condition R”l, the financial repercussions are catastrophic.

Layoffs and business downturns are now the norm. For frum family breadwinners, this comes at the worst possible time – the most expensive season of the year.

“We are getting a new full caseload by the day – and had to hire a new secretary just to handle the volume of last minute requests,” relates Rabbi Yehuda Moshe Slomiuc, Founder of Tomchei Shabbos, which serves the fast growing kehillos of Lakewood, Jackson, Toms River and Howell.

As of this writing, more than 10% of frum households in the Lakewood region are relying on Tomchei Shabbos to have food on their tables for Pesach. Considering that a substantial percentage of Lakewood households are young families who are do not make their own Pesach, these numbers are even more
staggering! Every neighborhood; every Shul; every school; has children relying on Tomchei Shabbos to have a normal Yom Tov.

For these families, Tomchei Shabbos is not merely a “help.” The entire Pesach is on Tomchei Shabbos: Matzah, wine, chicken, meat, eggs, snacks and everything else that will be eaten over Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed.

For months, Tomchei Shabbos askanim were frenetically fundraising and preparing food deliveries for the Pesach season, their busiest of the year. But the spiraling caseload, compounded by rising food prices, has catapulted their Pesach budget to over $1.6 million and counting.

Askanim are racing to be able to accommodate all families who need help, but they need YOUR help to do so. Please donate generously promptly in this great time of need. In this zechus, may Hashem protect you, your family and your livelihood from this pandemic. Chag Kosher V’Sameach!

To make a tax deductible donation, please visit foodcrisiscampaign.org or call 732-276-9142.

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