Tammy is Completely Paralyzed, But She Has a Message For You

She Was Diagnosed With ALS, But She Never Stopped Teaching

Mrs Tammy Karmel, a young vibrant mother of seven, 45 years old with a baby of 17 months , was diagnosed five years ago with one of the world’s most brutal illnesses that mankind has ever known. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, known as ALS or Louis Gehrig’s is a degenerative muscle disease, where neurons in the brain that send messages to the muscles, start dying.


They cannot cry, groan or ring a bell to tell you that they are in distress. They cannot twitch their noses nor move their fingers to tell you that something is bothering them. People with ALS are completely helpless and vulnerable. They have to rely on the people around them to see and notice what they need. There has to be somebody with them at all times without taking their eyes off for even a short while.

For almost two years now her only form of communication is through charting. This is done by holding up a clear plastic sheet that has the letters of the alphabet on it. Somebody stands behind the chart with the letters facing her, the person then picks up on the letters she is looking at and so puts together, letter by letter what she is trying to say. Yes, it is a painstaking form of communication which is tedious and time consuming, but Tammy plods on, not giving up.

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She forwards us heavenly messages of Emunah and Bitachon, of hope and a will to live. She battles with a disease so cruel yet comes up with her head held high as she over and over again repeats “HINEINI “ – HaShem I am here to do Your will with love, in every situation , under all circumstances, in the worst conditions possible.

She “charts” these messages for hours until all is clear and understood. She gives us clarity in a world of confusion and expresses herself with rich meaningful insights that make you wonder.

Her regal, magnificent presence attracts people again and again, week after week. Seminary girls coming for their year in Jerusalem flood her place often more than once a week. Women of all ages from all sectors are pulled by a magnetic pull and come back each week never missing a shiur.

When Tammy, popular chinuch teacher, speaker and advisor, was diagnosed five years ago with ALS, a tremendous effort was made to film her shiurim and save them for Klal Yisroel. Thus there are tens of shiurim on chinuch, sholom bayis, emunah, relationships, Yomim tovim and more that are being shown worldwide.

From Jerusalem to Los Angeles, from Monsey to Melbourne, Australia. From South Africa to South America, anyone who hears Tammy’s shiurim once, is hooked and asks for more. She speaks to every one of us at our own level, taking into consideration our daily struggles, addressing our weaknesses as well as our strengths.

Yes, it’s super-human, it defies nature, yet it’s here, beating a rhythm of Emunah and Bitachon, bringing the Geula closer.

Click here to join Tammy’s inner circle and subscribe to her weekly message, which gives hope and chizuk to thousands. Your subscription helps provide her with the care she needs just to stay alive, a life she has devoted, despite unbelievable odds, to bringing Jews the world over closer to Hashem and His Torah.

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