FJC: The Ukrainian Kashrut Committee, which is based out of Donetsk, is proud to announce that it is finally producing kosher chocolate � an event that Jews of the Former Soviet Union have been awaiting for a long time.? From now on, consumers will be able to enjoy several new kosher delights � 40g bars of ‘Belgiysky’ Dark Chocolate and ‘Belgiyskiye Fantazii’ chocolate candies, which come in 180-gram boxes.Kosher chocolate being produced by the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee is not only delicious, but is rated as a premium chocolate, as indicated on the package. This is a �parve� chocolate, which is especially good for those observing kashrut and thus distinguishing meat from diary food.
Amongst the kosher treats being introduced at this time by the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee, there is also the original �Klondike� Muesli Candies, which come in three different flavors: ‘Golden’, ‘Silver’ and ‘Platinum’. Each of these products is packaged in colorful wrapping, which allows it to be kept fresh for a shelf-life of six months. The manufacturer�s brand, ‘Zhitomirskiye Lasoschi’, is well-known in Ukraine and in several other countries as a producer of quality sweets. Now, its kosher formula has made these products even more desirable, catering to an entirely new set of consumers.
This series of new kosher sweets have been issued under the supervision of the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee. Other products of the ‘Zhitomirskiye Lasoschi’ Company that do not bear the seal of the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee contain milk and are not kosher. More information is available from either the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee (phone number +38 062 304 58 90) and the Ukrkosher Distributing Company (+38 062 305 38 36).