Ukrainian Jews get Shavuos treat

FJC: The Ukrainian Kashrut Committee, based out of Donetsk, has arranged for the production of several new dairy goods especially for the upcoming holiday.? The ‘Delikatesnaya Brynza’ and the ‘Bolgarskaya Brynza’ cheese are sure to please consumers wishing to keep the laws of Kashrut.Just as the remainder of the dairy products issued by the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee, this product is made from ‘Chalav Isroel’ milk and is produced in an ecologically-clean region of Ukraine under the supervision of religious Jews on staff with the Kashrut Committee.

The especially delicious ‘Delikatesnaya Brynza’ cheese is sure to be a treat with pieces of cheese and olives combined in a hot-flavored marinade and packed into a glass jar.Apart from producing cheese, the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee already regularly produces a series of other kosher dairy products that are available to Jews of Donetsk and may be made available to other cities in the country. These items include sour cream, Bio Kefir, Bio Ryazhenka, two different sorts of yoghurt, butter, cottage cheese, cheese cream, Hollander cheese, cheddar cheese, ice cream, concentrated milk and milk in tetra-pack. While all of these goods are issued on a regular basis, they will be produced in greater amounts especially for the holiday of Shavuot.

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