A Sefer Torah Written by Our Nation’s Leaders!

Grab your chance to own a unique Sefer Torah which Gedolim from all streams and sectors have inscribed, and given blessings to all its participants

$50. Splurge on a new jacket in the sales, a fun new light fixture for the playroom, an impressive flower centerpiece, an upscale lunch with a friend. – Swipe, and it’s gone.
$50. You can sponsor 25 letters in an exceptionally beautiful Sefer Torah, and enter the raffle to win it as your own – Swipe, and it’s there forever!
A Sefer Torah is unlike any raffle win; it’s a transformational treasure, a prize which you can take with you to the Next World.
Groundbreaking in the idea’s simple genius, this Sefer Torah has traveled the length and breadth of Eretz Yisrael to our nation’s spiritual giants for them to participate in its writing. The Sefer Torah has visited the inner sanctum of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, passed through the hands of Rav David Abuchatzeira in Nahariya, lain on the Torah-saturated desk of Rav Gershon Edelstein, been inscribed and blessed by the Viznitzer Rebbe, Rav Galai, the Rachmistrivka Rebbe, Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, and Rav Yaakov Hillel, amongst other tzaddikim and will yet travel to the Gedolim in America. Each Gadol has offered his own warmest blessings to the supporters of Heichal Hatorah, and has added another exquisite black letter to the holy scroll.
The Sefer Torah’s outstanding beauty and quality safrus was commissioned by Rav Michoel Ber Weissmandl, Rosh Kollel of Heichal Hatorah, from the expert sofer Rav Mordechai Shlomo Salomon in Yerushalayim. By sponsoring a section, even just 25 letters, you are crystallizing your commitment to our nation’s eternity and to the mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah.
But that’s not all you’ll receive for your $50.Ein Segula Katorah” there is no segula on the entire Earth equal to the power of Torah. A person can spend years in search of effective segulos, plumb the depths of the ocean and seek in the stars, but his heart knows the truth: he will find no segulah as potent as the Torah itself.
Rav Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, indeed commented that this Sefer Torah written on behalf of dedicated talmidei chachamim offers an unmissable opportunity to connect to both the Written and Oral Torah. By sponsoring a section, you will simultaneously procure a portion in the mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah and sponsor the learning of of Kollel Heichal Hatorah. The Rosh Yeshiva concluded that “the shleimus of the Written and Oral Torah will surely be a source of blessings for all its supporters”. Rav Yaakov Hillel too made mention of this unique combination, and concluded that the zechus of supporting Torah, combined with the zechus of this holy Sefer Torah, and the zechus of the Torah luminaries who inscribed it, will surely bring great blessings to all those who participate. “May they receive brachah and hatzlacha in all their undertakings, and nachat from their children.”
Hurry and join the mitzvah now, to reap an extra benefit. On Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Erev Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and Elul, and other special dates, a talmid chacham will make his way through the kevarim of Rav Yeshayele of Kerestir, the Chasam Sofer, the Noam Elimelech, the Rema, Rav Hershel of Cracow, the Baal Shem of Michelstadt, and the Shotzer Rebbe, amongst others, to fast and daven slowly and deliberately on behalf of each raffle entrant.
Five years ago, the members of Kollel Heichal Hatorah had the opportunity to receive semichah from the Bais Din of Rav Shmuel Wosner in Bnei Brak. Rav Wosner zt”l commented to Rabbi Weissmandl “Tell your supporters Ashrei Chelkom—they are fortunate to be a part of this learning.” And then the Gadol Hador finished off “And I would like my share to be amongst theirs!”
The weightiest gift on Earth, yet the lightest burden you’ll ever carry. A Sefer Torah of your own.
For just $50, this Sefer Torah could be yours, combining the merit of pure limmud haTorah with the rare opportunity to be part of writing a Sefer Torah.
Now, that’s a good deal.

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